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Beginner (1)

Elementary (2) (PECE)

Pre-intermediate (3) (JSC)

Intermediate (4) (SSC)

Upper-intermediate (5( (HSC)

Advanced (6)(University)

Transformation of sentences

1. Transform the following sentences 


Affirmative to interrogative

Exercise with answer:


i) Only he can do it.  

Ans: None but he can do it.
ii) He has only a few books.

Ans: He has nothing but a few books.
iii) Only Allah can help us.  

Ans: None but Allah can help us.
iv) Only the poor should apply for the post.

Ans: None but the poor should apply for the post.
v) Both are dishonest.          

Ans: Neither is honest. 
vi) The brave alone deserve the fair.          

Ans: None but the brave deserve the fair.
vii) All of our class is good.  

Ans: None of our class is bad.          
viii) All must die.        

Ans: None/no one can avoid death.
ix) All men are mortal.          

Ans: No man is immortal.
x) All men here are poor.    

Ans: No man here are rich.
xi) All must submit to destiny.                      

Ans: No one can escape from his or her destiny.
xii) We must do it.    

Ans: We can not but do it.
xiii) He must buy a shirt.      

Ans: He can not but buy a shirt.
xiv) You must obey my orders.        

Ans: You can not help obeying my orders.  
xvi) We must die.      

Ans: We can not but die.
xvii) Everybody hates a liar. xvii) Nobody loves a liar.
Ans: Everybody loves his mother.  

xviii) Nobody hates his mother.
ixx) Everybody likes him.      

Ans: No one disliked him.
xx) Everybody is liable to error.      

Ans: Nobody is free from error.
xxi) Every mother loves her child.    

Ans: There is no mother but loves her child.
xxii) Every man desires to get a fine shirt.  

Ans: There is no man but desires to get a fine shirt.
xxiii) Every man must die.    

Ans: There is no man but must die.
xxiv) Everybody has some needs.  

Ans: There is nobody but has some needs.
xxv) Rahim and Karim went there.  

Ans: Not only Rahim but also Karim went there.
xxvi) I ate rice and bread.    

Ans: I ate not only rice but also bread.       



Affirmative to Negative



Transform the following sentence into negative

1. Only a healthy man can have a healthy mind.

2. He is always dependent on his employer.

3. The lack of knowledge of nutrition is the only cause of malnutrition.

4. Anger begets only the worst.

5 . Everybody wants friends

6. His contribution to Bengali literature is incomparable.

7. He was a monarch without a crown.

8 In fact, love always brings love.

9. Corruption has become a common affair here.

10. As soon as the neighbours heard the hue and cry, they rushed to the spot.

11. Only education gives us the light of knowledge.

12. A computer is a blessing on earth.

13. All men must die.

14.They are always attentive to their duties.

15. Walking  is beneficial to health.

16. The brave alone deserve the fair.

17. The lands were fertile

18. The carter was a lazy fellow.

19. The crow looks very ugly.

20. Every patriot loves his country.

21.We must learn English

22. Her parents loved her.

23.All hate him

24.She will remember the stranger

25.Everybody dislikes him.

26.He is the best player.

27. A truthful person cares nobody.

 28.The teaching  staff of this school are qualified.

29. In a word a moonlit night is very pleasant .

30. We always remember their memories.

31. Literacy rate in Bangladesh is very poor.

32.Mohammad Mushin was a kind man.

33. He inherited vast property from his father and sister.

34.Plato’s  poetical works were full of patriotism and optimism.

35.Only those who leave this straight road will fall into pit.

36. Her parents liked her very much.

37. Some TV programmes present vulgar sights.

38.We should be honest in our life.

39.The teachers are very friendly with the students.

40.The bee lives together.

41.She is always attentive to her study.

Transform the following sentences into negative :


  1. Only the brave deserve the fair.   

  2. Only the moon was visible.        

  3. Only the fool will say this.            

  4. Only a rogue can act thus.          

  5. All men must die.  

  6. All but he has passed.    

  7. They must love one another.     

  8. A student must be disciplined.            

  9. He must listen to his teacher.     

  10. Everybody likes dependent.      

  11. Every man is needy.       

  12. Everybody likes flower.

  13. Every man likes Imarn Khan.   

  14. He is a doctor and lawyer.         

  15. My brother and I have done this.           

  16. We and they attended the meeting.    

  17. I bought and drank some milk.            

  18. As soon as she saw a tiger, she ran away.

  19. As soon as you wanted to catch the bird, it flew away.   


Negative to Affirmative

Transform the following sentences into affirmative

1. He did not marry.

2. A lie never lies hidden.

3.He is never late in attending his classes.

4.We should not disturb social order.

5.The ship did not come nearer.

6. Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.

7.Her parents could not but like her.

8. He is not well paid.

9. No person can be happy without friends.

10.The boy could not but go to  Dhaka yesterday.

11.Everybody can not but be conscious of health.

12. It is not a big village.

13. Their contribution will never be forgotten.

14.We can’t stop the effects of the green-house gas emissions that have already taken place.

15.He could not but feel pity for the lion.

16. No one can prosper in life without industry.

17.It is not very often seen  beside human habitation.

18.No person can be happy without friends.

19. Raju found out that it was not easy to light the fire.

20.He is never late to attend his classes.

21. Everybody cannot but be conscious of health.

22.They cannot help loving you if you be kind and friendly.

23. The criminals show no mercy in throwing  acid to  a  face they were in love with  a few days ago .

24.  We cannot but depend on computers.

Assertive to Interrogative


Transform the following sentences into Interrogative


  1. My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar.

  2. He goes to school in time.

  3. He is a liability to the society.

  4. She did not give up hope.

  5. Everybody dislikes him.

  6. Everybody respects a truthful person.

  7. We are proud of our freedom fighters.

  8. No man can live alone.

  9. The educated people should teach the illiterate.

  10. She passed her time in reading and writing.

  11. He and his wife Isabella were hardworking.

  12. Punctuality gives a good start of our day's work.

  13. Walking bears a good effect both on body and mind.

  14. The monsoon causes heavy rainfall.

  15. It is the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate.

  16. Each and every shop was laden with attractive nick-nacks.

  17. The house faces the south.

  18. Everybody knows a day labourer.

  19. He owns five bighas of land.

  20. The lion showed him no sign of attack.

  21. Everyone knows this.

  22. It is the duty of the literate to educate the illiterate.

  23. The tower symbolizes the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters.

24. Corruption destroys the moral courage


Assertive to Exclamatory


Transform the following sentences into exclamatory.


1. Today’s doctors are very conscious of their career.

2. The tiger is very ferocious.

3. We rejoice that we have won the game.

 4. It is a matter of pride that the little boy saved the train from an accident.

5. It is a matter of sorrow that SIDR has taken everything of him.

6. I wish I were a freedom fighter.

7. The flower looks very fine.

8. The rose smells very sweet.

9. The dead bodies were very obnoxious.

10. He wishes he could get back his lost health.

11. We wish he were alive today.

12. It is a matter of joy that I’ve got golden GPA-5.

 13. It is shameful that he does not take care of his old parents.

14. The woman wished she could get back her lost son to life.

15. The Taj looks very majestic.

16. The car runs very fast.

17. The clock goes very slow.

18. I wish I were a millionaire.

19. I wish I could be as humble as Nasiruddin.

20. The building looks very splendid.

 21. The boy seems to be very polite.

22. The mangoes taste very sour.

23. The oranges look very fresh.

 24. He wishes he were a magician.

25. The chief guest delivered a very fiery speech.

26. The water is very much polluted.


Exclamatory to Assertive


Transform the following sentences into assertive.

I. What wonderful creature an elephant is!

2. Oh that we two were infants playing!

3. would that we may soon meet!

4. Oh that I were safe at home!

5. Had I the wings of a dove!

6. Fie!He is a traitor.

7. Would that I could fly!

8. How attractive his method of teaching is!

9. How terrible the accident was!

10. What a beautiful bird it is!

11. Would that I could meet her again!

12. How brightly the stars shine!

 13. How sweetly the moonlight sleeps upon the bank!

 14. To think of our meeting here!

15. Ah! What a sight was there!

16. What a good command he has over England!

17. How poor was his performance in the S.S.C. examination!

 18.Would that we may soon meet!

19. Oh that we were freedom fighters!

20.Oh that I were safe at home!

21. Oh for the wings of a dove!

22. What a luxurious life he leads!

 23. How correct his pronunciation is!

  24.What a piece of work man is!

   25. Oh that I were young again!

Complex to Simple


Transform the following complex sentences into simple


1.A man who is physically ill loses all mental ease and comfort.

2.As love is divine, everybody wants love.

3.People who live in plenty do not eat the right kind of food.

4.If your companions do not love you, it is your own fault.

5.You can not find others to love you unless you will also love them.

6. She had none who could look after her.

7. The dacoit not only robbed the poor house owner but also murdered him.

 8. He not only did many construction works but also led people to the path of Islam.

 9. We have to identify the problems that our farmers face.

10. Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides.

11. Though Bangladesh is not a big country, too many people live here.

12.They did not understand why she was so different from the other children of the locality.

13. It is the duty of the people who are educated to educate the illiterate.

14. There are many things that can be included in the information technology.

15. Since he has no radio, he cannot listen to the weather warning.

16. It is man who is the maker of his own fortune.

 17. Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it.

18. At dinner she noticed that Raju as usual had an egg.

19. If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others.

20. When the sun set, they took part from us.

 21. Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.

22. A balanced diet is a food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food.

23. Her father couldn't come as he was working overtime.

24. There is a large garden which is in front of the school.

25, If we maintain sincerity, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.

26. When we are children, the family protects us.

 27. Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it.

28. Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.

 29. The house in which I live is tin shaded.

30. My mother was honest for which she was rewarded.

31. When it is summer, it becomes emaciated.

32. Those who are idle always lag behind.

33. Though the service of a day labourer is very important, he is very much neglected.

34. We should have soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life.

35. The minister asked him what his occupation was.

36. Since there was no rain, he was worried.      

37. I am sure that I will pass.

38. A house is the place where we live in.

39. He sold the eggs in the market and became rich.

 40. One night, when he was sleeping, a thief broke into his room.

41. The National Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect.

42. Though he is a good student, he is naughty as well.

43. I saw an old woman, who was crying.

 44. As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves causing a single crackle.

45. He who is taken by anger causes a lot of dangers.

 46. You cannot receive affection unless you give it also.

Compound to Simple


Transform the following compound sentences into simple.


  1. They fade soon and lose their beauty.

  2. The dacoit sensed the presence of the neighbours and attempted to flee

  3. It ennobles one's character and gives one high position in society.

  4. We read books and learn new things.

  5. Little boys and girls make merriment and amuse themselves.

  6. Every morning I go to the garden and take care of it.

  7. It was evening and the shops were dazzling with bright lights.

  8. The culprit ran away and escaped himself.

  9. The sun had set and wewent home.

  10. He is healthy but he does not work at all.

  11. He had all the qualifications but he did not get a job.

  12. He behaved rough but he was not punished.

  13. The farmers worked day and night but they could not grow a good harvest.

  14. I was ill and I could not attend the meeting.

  15. Write much or you cannot write well.

  16. Walk fast or you cannot get the train.

  17. I called him but he did not answer.

  18. It flies from flower to flower and collects honey.

  19. She repaid the first installment and bought food and clothes for her children.

  20. She is hard working and does not waste time.

  21. He turned back and slowly went to the lion.

  22. They spend most of the time before TV set and waste their precious time.

  23. She is polite and so she behaves well .

  24. They hide themselves and coo from the high branches of trees.

  25. Love is divine so everybody wants it.

  26.  She got into the lift and pressed the button B. 27.

  27. He killed a young boar instead and took its lungs and liver to the queen.

Compound to Complex


Turn the following compound sentences into complex.


1.      He wanted to survive and disguised himself as a poor traveller.

2.      One day he found me and acted crazy.

3.      Michael was a poor shepherd and lived in the Lake District of England.

4.      Morning walk costs us nothing but gives us much invaluable benefit.

5.    Read or you will fail.

6.    Its eyes are small but its ears look like fans.

7.    Though he was rich, he was a scholar.

8.    They are poor and so they cannot send their children to school.

9.      NawabFaizunnesa was a dedicated lady and established the school.

10.   Neela got into the lift and pressed the button B.

11.   They fade soon and lose their beauty.

12.   The dacoit sensed the presence of the neighbours and attempted to flee.

13.  She is polite and so she behaves well with all.

14.   Love is divine and so everybody wants it.

15.   Do or die.

16.    Walk fast or you can not get the train.

17.   Drive carefully or there may be accident.

18.    He worked hard but failed.

19.   It exists but it is difficult to explain.

20.    Spare the rod and spoil the child.

21.   Do as I suggest you or you will suffer.

22.   It disturbed me but I did not know the reason.

23.   Waste not, want not.

24.  Selim is a student of class X and reads in a Zilla school.

25.  Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high.

26.  In winter an ant remains idle but it works hard in spring.

27.  The huntsman took the child into the forest but he did not want to kill her.

28.  Honesty may not make one rich but it brings peace in mind.

29.  The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love.

Simple to Complex


Transform the following sentences from simple to complex.


1.     Arif went to Dhaka to find a job.

2.     A farmer had a wonderful goose.

3.     They come here to enjoy themselves.

4.      Once upon a time there was a girl named Jesmine.

5.     He has some friends like him.

6.     Tigers are known as ferocious animals.

7.      Virtue makes a man really great.

8.      We work hard to attain success in our life.

9.     This will make your mind fresh.

10.  It presents a beautiful sight.

11.   Computer has pushed the modern age a step ahead.

12.  Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads.

13.   He wants to be a doctor to serve people.

14.   A man without health cannot be happy in life.

15.   The Cuckoo is a bird of very shy nature.

16.   They lay their eggs in the nests of crows.

17.   She reads attentively to do well in the examination.

18.   We have to work hard to earn money or to acquire knowledge.

19.   No nation can prosper neglecting education.

20.   In spite of strict laws against acid violence, the ghastly crime is on the rise in Bangladesh.

21.  He is too dishonest to speak the truth.

22.   By having good health, one can serve the nation well,

23.   Waste not, want not.

24.  He had a lovely garden,

25.   The carbon-di-oxide rises the temperature on the atmosphere.

26.  It is too poor to imagine.

27.   It is not possible for the government to give employment to all people.

28.    Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.

29.   The farmers work hard to support themselves.

30.   Thammel, known as the tourist’s area, is extremely popular for its cheap hotels.

31.   The school having a beautiful garden increases the beauty of the school.

32.   Honesty is a great virtue.

33.    During the rainy season, the Padma assumes a very fearful appearance.

34.  Tourists from home and abroad visit its shores to enjoy themselves.

35.   Watching so much violence in films makes them aggressive.

36.   The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able bodied persons.

37.   I am happy to live in such a fine house far away from the din and bustle of city life.

38.   Neela was going to the basement cafe to have a breakfast.

39.   A fool was sitting by the side of a village road.

40.   She was scared to see a giant like figure.

41.  I do not know his father's name.

42.   In order to be healthy, we have to take a balanced diet every day.

43.   Carbohydrate and fat provide us energy.

44.   During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor.

45.   He inspired the people to fight for independence.

Simple to compound

Turn the following simple sentences into compound.


1. They all lived happily near Sonapur.

2. Having worked for whole life, they died from hunger and poverty.

 3. Realizing it we should try to be emotionally balanced.

4. He came to a. house to ask for something to eat.

5. In spite of rough weather, he came to our house.

6. Finishing the work, we went to the play ground.

7. Closing the door, I went back to sleep.

8. Fatema, being poor, could not buy a set of combs.

9. The water being very cold, I could not drink it.

10. The lunch being over, we left the hotel.

11. The sun having set, we returned home.

 12. Sceing the strange appearance of the fool he asked him about the reason of his action.

13. A fisherman earns his livelihood by catching fish.

14. Besides being rich, he is learned.

15. Making a group, they get involved in playing and doing other things.

16. We work hard to attain success in our life.

17. I saw a blind old man crossing the road.

18. Immediately after lunch at the hotel restaurant, Masum, Becky and Neela went out to have a look of the city.

19. Finding a large thorn, he pulled it out.

20. One night he woke up hearing the sound of rain.

 21. We should therefore, take a balanced diet to keep our body fit.

Complex to compound 


Turn the following complex sentences into compound.


1. It is social evil which hampers the progress of social life.

2. Though they are coward, they are very clever bird.

3. Since Neela did not have a good dinner, she could not sleep.

4.Though there were clouds in the sky, they were swept away by the wind.

5. Though she searched for such a house, she could not find any.

6. Generally, it has a platform on which fish-sellers sit with their fishes.

7. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability.

8. When I reached there, my friend received me cordially.

9. As the students get a long vacation from schools, they enjoy the festival with childlike mirth.

10, Though we have reports of acid throwing in other countries too, the number of incidents is probably the highest in Bangladesh.

11. The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings.

12. The birds in the tress song so sweetly that the children stopped their games to listen to them.

13. He discovered that many diseases are caused by germs.

14. Although Meena had picked the mango, her morther gave the larger share of it to Raju.

15. As Rahim, is curious, he will try to invent new things.

16. Though she was a nice little girl, she wasn't an ordinary child.

17. When I reached there, my friend received me cordially.

18. As he was old, he could not walk fast.

19. When we grow up, we need help of all people around us.

20. If you do not work hard, you will not succeed.

 21. Neela became bored as she was in her hotel room alone the whole afternoon..

22. He walks about the class when he feels it necessary.

23. Although honesty may not make one rich, it brings peace of mind.

24. Since he is a student of Zilla school, he feels very proud.



Superlative to positive


Turn the following sentences into positive.


1.      Snow white was the fairest of all women.

2.       It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life.

3.       Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modem science.

4.        Durgapuja is one of the greatest Hindu festivals in Bangladesh.

5.       Cox's Bazar is the longest sea-beach in the world.

6.       Northern Africa. the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent will be the worst affected.

7.      It is the most wonderful goose of the world.

8.       It is one of the greatest wonders of the world

9.       Of all the hotels Raffle is one of the finest.

10.    Hercules is one of the strongest gods.

11.    On the way I met the worst sight in my life.

12.    It was one of the most important inventions in the world of medical science.

13.     This is the dirtiest place in the city.

14.   He draws the lowest salary in the office.

15.   They live in the remotest corner of the country.

16.   He is one of my closest friends.

17.    Aziz is the sincerest student in our school.

18. A journey by boat gives me the greatest pleasure.

19. He is the kindest man I have ever seen.

20. He was the cleverest of all persons.

21. He works the hardest of all workers.

22. Mr. Hasan is the fittest chairman.

23. This is the rarest opportunity.

24. My car is the most expensive car.

25. Liza is the smartest of all girls.

26. Time passes the quickest of anything.

 27. Illiteracy is the greatest problem in Bangladesh.

28. Television is the most popular form of entertainment ever invented by man.

29. It is one of the most famous schools in the town.

30. It is the noisiest part in a market.

31. A healthy man is the happiest man in the world.

32. Health is the greatest wealth of a man.




Turn the following sentences into positive


1. The days in the winter are foggier than those of other seasons.

2. This road is muddier than that.

3. Summer is drier than any other season in Bangladesh.

4. He is lovelier than very few persons.

5. Village life is quieter than city life.

6. Bangladesh is more fertile than most other lands in the world.

7. This is safer than any other place.

8. My shirt is dirtier than yours.

9. Milk is more nutritious than any other food.

10. This is better than all other story books.

11. Your handwriting is clumsier than hers.

12. This ghee is purer than that. ?

13. Bangladesh is greener than many other countries.

14. You seem gloomier than before.

15. His" room is tidier than yours.

16. Sumi's hair is curlier than Suma's.

17. He is wealthier than his brother,

18. Our English teacher is humbler than any other teacher in the school,

 19. 1 arrived earlier than you.

20. She is prouder than her sister.

21. His way of life is simpler than all other persons in the village.

22. The Ramadan is holier than any other month for the Muslims.

23. This knife is sharper than that one.

24. The pen is mightier than the sword.



Turn the following superlatives into comparative.


1. This is the sharpest of all knives.

2. Winter is the mistiest of all seasons.

 3. The Meghna is the deepest river in our country.

 4. This is the latest edition.

5. It is the most famous school in the town.

 6. This is one of the greatest pictures of the world.

7. The Everest is the highest of all peaks in the world.

8. It is the noisiest part in a market.

9. A healthy man is the happiest man in the world.

10. Health is the greatest wealth of a man.

11. Snowwhite was the fairest of all women.

12. It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life.

13. Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modem science.

14. At present cricket is the most popular game in our country.

15. Feroza was one of the most industrious girls in the village.

16. It is one of the oldest schools.

17. Khan Jahan Ali was one of the greatest saints of our country.

18. Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man.

19. Nawab Serajuddaula was the most courageous Nawab India has ever seen.

 20. Grapes are the tastiest of all fruits.

 21. Liza is the proudest of all girls.

22. Gold is the costliest of all metals.

23. The Ramadan is the holiest month for the Muslims.


Turn the following Sentences into comparative.

1. Dishonour is not as preferable as death.

2. No other person is as wealthy as he.

 3. No other person is as fit as he to do this job.

4. I have not seen any person as cruel as he.

5. Her handwriting is not as clumsy as yours.

 6. Your face was not as bright as his.

7. No other student is as keen as he.

8. Rina's knowledge in English is not as sound as Nasrin.

 9. Meena needed as much food as Raju.

10. In the society women work as much as men.

11. Very few insects are as busy as the bee.

12. Very few herbs are as useful as this.

13. Iron is not as light as cotton.

14. I do not feel as free as you.

15. Nipa is not as dull as Seema.

16. I do not know any person as humble as he.


Transform the following sentences into superlative.

1. Very few cities in the world are as busy as Singapore.

2. Very few insects are as busy as the bee.

3. No other girl in the class is so fair as Sumi.

 4. Very few pictures in the world are so great as this.

5. No other mosque is so large as this.

6. No other dramatist is so great as Shakespeare.

7. Very few herbs are as useful as this.

8. No other woman is as white as Snowwhite.

9. No other goose is as wonderful as this.

10. No other god is as strong as Hercules.

11. Very few inventions in the world of medical science are as important as it.

12. No other opportunity is as rare as it.

13. No other wealth of a man is as great as health.


Turn the following sentences into superlative.

1. The Ramadan is holier than any other month for the Muslims.

2. This knife is sharper than all other knives.

3. The pen is mightier than anything else.

4. Summer is drier than any other season in Bangladesh.

5. He is lovelier than most other persons.

6. Bangladesh is more fertile than most other lands in, the world.

7. This is safer than any other place.

8. He is the more active than many other persons.

9. This is better than all other story books.

10. Your handwriting is clumsier than all other students in the class.

11. Bangladesh is greener than many other countries.

12. The poor think that costly food is better than any other food.

13. Nazrul Islam is more famous than most other poets in Bengali Literature.

14. To them boiled rice with vegetables is more favourite than any other food.

15. It is more powerful than anything else.

16. Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.

17. Books are better than any other friend.

18. Sumi's hair is curlier than most other girls in the class.

19. He is wealthier than all other men in the village.

20. Our English teacher is humbler than any other teacher in the school.

21. She is prouder than any other girl.

22. His way of life is simpler than all other persons in the village.

                                       Transformation Worksheet-3.0


1. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Dhaka Board-2019]

(a) Don't look down upon the poor. (Passive)

(b) Suddenly I noticed a very nice deer. (Interrogative)

(c) It only remained sleeping. (Negative)

(d) What a sound sleep it slept! (Assertive)

(e) A deer is found nowhere but in the zoo now. (Affirmative)


2. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board-2019]

(a) Bangladeshi cuisine is full of variety. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(b) We use different spices to make our food tasty. (Make it passive sentence)

(c) We like Bangladeshi food very much. (Make it a negative sentence)

(d) Let us take Bangladeshi food. (Make it an assertive sentence)

(e) Bangladeshi food is very appetizing. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)


3. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Cumilla Board-2019]

Bangladesh is a land of rivers.

(a) The Padma is a big river in Bangladesh. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(b) It is called the river of destruction. (Make it an active)

(c) The river is very turbulent. (Make it a negative sentence)

(d) Everybody knows this. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Make it passive)


4. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Jashore Board-2019]


(a) Who does not know the name of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin? (Make it passive)

(b) He was unmarried. (Make it negative)

(c) He was born in Hoogly. (Make it negative-interrogative)

(d) He is respected everywhere. (Make it active) (e) I wish I were Hazi Mohammad Mohsin. (Make it exclamatory)



5. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Sylhet Board-2019]

(a) Tree plantation is an important task. (Negative)

(b) It is not a difficult task. (Interrogative)

(c) People cannot but plant trees for their existence. (Affirmative)

(d) An important role is played by trees. (Active) (e) Trees are very important in our life. (Exclamatory)


6. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Barishal Board-2019]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages like this game. (Passive) (c) It is a very popular game in our country. (Negative)

(d) How enjoyable the game is! (Assertive)

(e) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)



7. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Chattogram Board-2019]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it interrogative)

(b) People enjoy this game. (Make it passive)

(c) It is a very costly game. (Make it negative)

(d) Nobody dislikes it. (Make it affirmative)

(e) I wish I could play it. (Make it exclamatory) 


8. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Mymensingh Board-2019]

(a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was a very kind man. (Make it a negative sentence)

(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(c) He was not married. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

(d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Make it a passive sentence)

(e) He was very generous. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)


9. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board-2019]

(a) Rana is a regular student. (Make it a negative sentence)

(b) He is a very hard-working boy. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(c) He never comes to the class late. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

(d) He makes good results in all exams. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(e) For this. teachers love him very much. (Make it a passive sentence)



10. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Dhaka Board-2018]

(a) Acid throwing is a very heinous act. (Exclamatory)

(b) Everyone hates it. (Interrogative)

(c) It is not a human act. (Affirmative)

(d) The acid throwers should be punished. (Active)

(e) We must become aware of it. (Negative)


11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board-2018]

(a) None can prosper in life without industry. (Interrogative)

(b) The idle always lag behind. (Negative)

(c) Hard work is very essential to succeed in life. (Exclamatory)

(d) A hard-working person can see the light of prosperity. (Passive)

(e) We cannot but work hard to be established in life. (Affirmative)



12. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Cumilla Board-2018]

Ruplal lived in a small village.

(a) He lived with his family. (Interrogatively)

(b) Ruplal wanted a peaceful life. (Passive)

(c) The village people were very quarrelsome. (Exclamatory)

(d) Ruplal's life was not peaceful in the jungle. (Interrogative)

(e) Ruplal took only a bag with him. (Negative)



13. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Jashore Board-2018]

(a) Riad is a very industrious boy. (Exclamatory) (b) He is sincere in his duties. (Negative)

(c) He does not put off any work for tomorrow. (Interrogative)

(d) He finishes his duties in time. (Passive)

(e) Nobody hates him. (Affirmative)


14. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Sylhet Board-2018]

(a) Jubair and Saad are two brothers. (Interrogative)

(b) They never miss their classes. (Affirmative) (c) The weak students are always helped by them. (Active)

(d) They are always obedient to their teachers and parents. (Negative)

(e) They want to become famous personalities in the world.(Interrogative)



15. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Barishal Board-2018]

(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)

(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative)

(c) Today many freedom fighters lead a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)

(d) Their allowances should be increased. (Active)

(e) We should regard their sacrifice.(Negative)



16. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Chattogram Board-2018]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) Cricket is very costly game. (Negative)

(d) Nobody dislikes a cricketer. (Affirmative)

(e) Would that I could be a great cricketer! (Assertive)


17. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board-2018]

(a) Frugality is a good habit. (Negative)

(b) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons. (Affirmative)

(c) We should practise it. (Passive)

(d) He can save money. (Interrogative)

(e) He leads a happy life. (Exclamatory)





                                     Transformation Worksheet-3.0 Answer
(a) Let not the poor be looked down upon.
(b) Didn't I notice a very nice deer suddenly? 
(c) It did nothing but remained sleeping.
(d) It slept a very sound sleep.
(e) A deer is found only in the zoo now. very nice deer suddenly?
(a) Isn't Bangladeshi cuisine full of variety? Or. Is Bangladeshi cuisine not full of variety?
(b) Different spices are used by us to make our food tasty.
(c) We don't dislike Bangladeshi food at all.
(d) We should take Bangladeshi food.
(e) How appetizing Bangladeshi food is!
(a) What a big river the Padma is in Bangladesh!
(b) People/We call it the river of destruction.
(c) The river is not calm at all.
(d) Who doesn't know this? Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.
(a) To whom is the name of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin not known?
(b) He was not married. Or, He did not marry.
(c) Wasn't he born in Hoogly?
(d) People/We respect him everywhere.
(e) If I were Hazi Mohammad Mohsin!
(a) Tree plantation is not an unimportant task. Or. Tree plantation is not a trivial task.
(b) Is it a difficult task?
(c) People must plant trees for their existence.
(d) Trees play an important role.
(e) How important trees are in our life!
What an exciting game cricket is!
(b) This game is liked by people of all ages.
(c) It is not at all an unpopular game in our country.
(d) The game is very enjoyable.
(e) Who does not know this?

(a) Isn't cricket a very exciting game?
(b) This game is enjoyed by people.
(c) It is not a cheap/inexpensive game at all.
(d) Everybody likes it.
(e) If I could play it!

(a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was not at all an unkind man.
(b) Didn't he inherit vast property from his father and sister?
(c) He was unmarried.
(d) During his lifetime, money was spent lavishly by him to help the poor.
(e) How generous he was!

(a) Rana is not an irregular student.
(b) Isn't he a very hard-working boy?
(c) He always comes to the class in time.
(d) Doesn't he make good results in all exams?
(e) For this, he is loved very much by his teachers.

(a) What a heinous act acid throwing is!
(b) Is there anybody who does not hate it? Or, Who does not hate it?
(c) It is an inhuman act.
(d) The government should punish the acid throwers.
(e) We cannot but become aware of it. Or. We cannot help becoming aware of it.

(a) Who can prosper in life without industry? Or. Can anyone prosper in life without industry?
(b) The idle never advance/prosper.
(c) How essential hard work is to succeed in life
(d) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard-working person.
(e) We must work hard to be established in life.

(a) Didn't he live with his family?
(b) A peaceful life was wanted by Ruplal.
(c) How quarrelsome the village people were!
(d) Was Ruplal's life peaceful in the jungle?
(e) Ruplal took nothing but a bag with him.

(a) What an industrious boy Riad is!
(b) He is not insincere in his duties.
(c) Does he put off any work for tomorrow?
(d) His duties are finished in time by him.
(e) Everybody loves him.

(a) Aren't Jubair and Saad two brothers?
(b) They always attend their classes.
(c) They always help the weak students.
(d) They are never disobedient to their teachers and parents.
(e) Don't they want to become famous personalities in the world?

(a) Aren't we proud of our freedom fighters?
(b) Their contribution will always be remembered.
(c) What a miserable life many freedom fighters lead today!
(d) Government should increase their allowances.
(e) We should not disregard their sacrifice. Or. We should not ignore their sacrifice.

(a) What an exciting game cricket is!
(b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages. (c) Cricket is not a cheap game at all.
(d) Everybody likes a cricketer.
(e) I wish I could be a great cricketer.

(a) Frugality is not a bad habit.
(b) A frugal man dislikes to spend money without reasons.
(c) It should be practised by us.
(d) Can't he save money?
(e) What a happy life he leads!

                                                    Transformation Worksheet -4.0


SSC Examination-2020 All Board Questions


1. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dhaka Board-2020]


(a) Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tarin. (Compound)
(b) Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)
(c) She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative)
(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)
(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive)
(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)
(g) She also helped her mother in her free time. (Complex)
(h) She never told a lie. (Interrogative)
(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)
(j) She worked hard to shine in life. (Complex)


2. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board-2020]
(a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)
(b) At present, it is called a challenge to fight against it. (Active)
(c) Who is not now in the threat of violence? (Assertive)
(d) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything. (Positive)
(e) It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Comparative)
(f) Nobody wants his children to be terrorist in future. (Interrogative)
(g) Though there is law to punish the terrorists, it is not properly applied. (Simple)
(h) By applying the law properly, we can get rid of it. (Complex)
(i) We have to create social awareness to fight against corruption. (Compound)
(j) We all should avoid the killers of mankind. (Negative)


3. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Barishal Board-2020]
(a) Man is the maker of his own fortune. (Interrogative)
(b) If he makes proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Simple)
(c) The person doing otherwise is sure to repent later. (Complex)
(d) The lazy suffer miserably in the long run. (Exclamatory)
(e) To kill time is to commit suicide. (Interrogative)
(f) Our life is nothing but a sum total of hours, days and years. (Assertive)
(g)Youth is the most valuable season of life. (Positive)
(h) In youth mind is soft and it can be shaped easily. (Simple)
(i) Unless you use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards. (Compound)
(j) It is called the seedtime of life. (Active)



4. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Chattogram Board-2020]

(a) Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievement of science. (Make it simple)

(b) The electricity lights both the streets and the houses. (Make it negative)

(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Make it passive)

(d) There is cinema to delight in the evening. (Make it complex)

(e) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Make it positive)

(f) Who can go without it? (Make it assertive)

(g) Internet is as important as computer. (Make it comparative)

(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Make it compound)

(i) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science. (Make it superlative)

(j) The invention of computer is a great miraculous event. (Make it exclamatory)



5. Change the sentences according to directions: [Mymensingh board-2020]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory sentence)

(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive voice)

(c) It is played all over the world. (Active voice)

(d) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative Degree)

(e) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Simple sentence)

(f) The game is played between two teams each consisting of eleven players. (Complex sentence)

(g) There are two umpires who conduct the game. (Simple sentence)

(h) It is full of thrill and excitement for the spectators. (Interrogative sentence)

(i) Bangladesh is a test playing country developing its standard day by day. (Compound sentence)

(j) We must try our best to improve its present position. (Negative sentence without changing meaning) 



6. Change the sentences according to directions: [Jashore board-2020]

(a) People in general are fond of glittering things. (Complex)

(b) They are the lovers of surface. (Interrogative)

(c) They are concerned at the outer show of things and beings. (Active)

(d) They do not bother about intrinsic value. (Affirmative)

(e) Gold is one of the precious metals. (Positive)

(f)  But there are some other metals looking like gold. (Compound).

(g) They fade soon and lose their beauty. (Simple)

(h) Similarly, there are some people acting like the wise. (Complex)

(i) As soon as their real identity gets revealed, people leave them. (Negative)

(j) We are very foolish believing in them. (Exclamatory)



7. Change the sentences according to directions:[Dinajpur board-2020]

(a) In order to acquire knowledge we should read books. (Compound)

(b) Books introduce us to the domain of knowledge. (Passive)

(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Complex)

(d) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)

(e) Reading books is the noblest habit. (Comparative)

(f) Books give us not only knowledge but also pleasure. (Affirmative).

(g) Those who do not read books keep themselves aloof from the realm of knowledge. (Compound)

(h) To make a civilized society, there is no alternative to reading books. (Interrogative)

(i) People should be motivated to read more and more books. (Active)

(j) We must create social movement about reading books. (Negative)



SSC Examination-2019 All Board Questions


8. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dhaka Board-2019]


(a) Man is the best creation of God. (Comparative)
(b) Isn’t it our responsibility to do good deeds? (Assertive)
(c) Our life is not measured by months or years. (Active)
(d) Honest people lead a happy life. (Complex)
(e) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)
(f) Nobody is absolutely happy on earth. (Affirmative)
(g) So we should not waste time in vain. (Passive)
(h) If we use time properly, we can be benefited. (Simple)
(i) All men must die. (Negative)
(j) Though we take utmost care, we cannot avoid death. (Compound)



9. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board-2019]

(a) Patriotism is a noble virtue. (Interrogative)

(b) It is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)
(c) It persuades a man to do everything just. (Negative).
(d) This quality highly motivates a man so that he can sacrifice his life for the country. (Simple)
(e) What an outstanding quality it is! (Assertive)
(f) A man having patriotic zeal is called a patriot. (Complex)
(g) A patriot fears none but the Creator. (Affirmative)
(h) By paying taxes he obeys the law. (Compound)
(i) He is respected by all. (Active)
(j) So, we should be patriots. (Imperative)



10. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Cumilla Board-2019]
(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive)
(b) Computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative)
(c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides. (Simple)
(d) Computers are nowadays being used in almost every sphere of life. (Active)
(e) We cannot but depend on it. (Affirmative)
(f) No one can deny its necessity. (Interrogative)
(g) It is the most used device in our life. (Comparative)
(h) It helps us a lot. (Passive)
(i) So its usefulness, it has become very popular. (Compound)
(j) Without computer, we cannot imagine our modern life. (Complex)



11. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Jashore Board-2019]

(a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)

(b) At present, it is increasing alarmingly. (Interrogative)

(c) Nothing is as disastrous as terrorism. (Comparative)

(d) It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Positive)

(e) A terrorist is hated by people. (Active)

(f) Who is not now in the threat of violence? (Assertive)

(g) Though there are laws to punish the terrorists, they are not properly applied. (Compound)

(h) By applying the laws properly, we can get rid of terrorism. (Complex)

(i) What a miserable life a terrorist leads! (Assertive)

(j) They should be brought to book. (Active)



12. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Barishal Board 2019]
(a) Internet is a computer-based networking system. (Interrogative)
(b) It is a speedy transmitting system of information. (Complex)
(c) Its functions are smooth and rapid. (Negative)
(d) A man has an Internet connection and gets a link soon according to his expectation. (Simple)
(e) Many educational institutions are greatly benefited through the use of Internet. (Complex)
(f) A student can visit all the renowned libraries of the world without going there. (Passive)
(g) It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. (Exclamatory)
(h) E-commerce has become one of the most popular topics to the customers. (Positive)
(i) It helps the customers to buy or choose anything without going to market. (Compound)
(j) What an amazing milestone it is in the modern world of communication! (Assertive)



13. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Chattogram Board 2019]

(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative)

(b) He did not marry. (Affirmative)
(c) He loved the people cordially. (Passive)
(d) He never thought of his own happiness. (Interrogative)
(e) He led a very simple life. (Exclamatory)
(f) He always helped the needy. (Complex)
(g) He contributed much money for education to educate the poor student. (Complex)
(h) Though he had a vast wealth, he did not spend for his own. (Compound)
(i) Who does not know of his kindness? (Assertive)

(j) He was one of the greatest kind men of the world. (Positive)



14. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Barishal Board 2019,2016]

(a) Bangladesh is a low lying country. (Make interrogative)
(b) Very year natural disasters visit us. (Make passive voice)
(c) Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. (Use comparative degree)
(d) It is Dhaka city which has not yet suffered any severe earthquake. (Make simple sentence)
(e) People living in the high land can escape flood. (Make complex sentence)
(f) Crops are damaged by this flood. (Make active voice)
(g) Who does not know the consequence of ‘Tsunami? (Make assertive sentence)
(h) The recent flood was very devastating. (Make exclamatory sentence)
(i) Bangladesh is in the active earthquake zone. (Make negative sentence)
(j) Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone. (Use positive degree)


15. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board-2019]
(a) Facebook is a common social network. (Make it a negative sentence)
(b) Now, it is being used all over the world. (Make it an active voice)
(c) Everybody uses it. (Make it an interrogative sentence)
(d) There is no student without a smartphone. (Make it an affirmative sentence)
(e) Who does not like a social network? (Make it an assertive sentence)
(f) Facebook is the best of all social networks. (Make it a positive degree)
(g) It gives pleasure but we cannot get the freedom to use it. (Make it a simple sentence)
(h) Use it or you cannot keep pace with the modern world. (Make it a complex sentence)
(i) We can get many new pieces of information by using it. (Make it a compound sentence)
(j) Would that I could open a Facebook account. (Make it an assertive sentence)


SSC Examination-2018 All Board Questions


16. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [SSC All Board-2018]

a) Very conquerors of the world were so great as Taimur. (Superlative)
b) The province of a powerful Prince was, once attacked by young Taimur. (Active)
c) Entering the kingdom of the prince, he captured a large village. (Compound)
d) The army killed Taimur's all soldiers. (Passive)
e) He disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive. (Complex)
f) He came to a house and asked for something to eat. (Simple)
g) There lived an old woman in the house. (Complex)
h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Interrogative)
i) The food was very hot. (Exclamatory)
j) Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Negative)


SSC Examination-2017 All Board Questions


17. Change the sentences according to directions: [Dhaka Board-2017]


a) Mother Teresa is an icon to many people. (Make it interrogative sentence)

b) She is respected by everybody. (Make it active)

c) She is one of the greatest persons of the world. (Make it positive)

d) She was very kind to the needy and the ill-fated. (Make it negative)

e) She believes that charity is a great virtue. (Make it compound sentence)

f) Actually Mother Teresa was a noble hearted person. (Make it a complex sentence)

g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

h) She helped those who were helpless. (Make it a simple sentence)

i) She set up "Nirmal Hridoy" at Kolkata. (Make it a compound sentence)

j) Who does. not know about the charity of Mother Teresa? (Make it assertive)



18. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board 2017]


a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar. (Complex)
b) I was very glad. (Negative)
c) I accepted the invitation. (Passive)
d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Simple)
e) I was very excited to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)
f) It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)
g) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive)
h) It is called the pleasure seekers' paradise. (Active)
i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Compound)
j). If I could visit the sea-beach! (Assertive)



19. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets.[Cumilla Board 2017; Jashore Board 2015;Sylhet Board 2020]


a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was more generous than many other men in this subcontinent.(Use positive degree)
b) He was born in Hoogly. (Make it a complex sentence)
c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Make it an interrogative sentence)
d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Use passive voice)
e) He is called the friend of humanity. (Use active voice).
f) He did not marry. (Make it an affirmative sentence)
g) During his life time he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Make it a complex sentence)
h) He was so kind that he could not refuse any one's request. (Make it a compound sentence)
i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Make it a simple sentence)
j) He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Make it a complex sentence)


20. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Jashore Board 2017]

a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (Comparative)
b) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)
c) When he gets the question paper he should read it carefully (Simple)

d) At first glance, the questions may seem difficult. (Negative)
e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks. (Complex)
f) If an examinee answers all the questions, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)
g) But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive)
h) It is really sensible. (Exclamatory)
i) The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)
j) Without following this process, you cannot bring a good result in an examination. (Compound)



21. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Sylhet Board 2017]


a) We should read books to gain knowledge. (Make it complex)
b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)
c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Make it interrogative)
d) If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Make it simple)
e) Books are the greatest friends. (Use Positive degree).
f) They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Make it negative)
g) As they are our real friends, they remain with us in time of danger. (Make it compound)
h) Some books are very interesting. (Make it exclamatory)
i) We can build up developed society by reading books. (Make it complex)
j) Nothing but books can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Make it affirmative)


22. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Chattogram Board 2017]

(a) Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive)

(b) It is not an easy thing. (Affirmative)

(c) Being industrious, everyone can prosper in life. (Negative)

(d) The idle always lag behind. (Complex)

(e) We must work hard so that we can earn money. (Simple)

(f) By working hard, we can improve our lot. (Compound)

(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard-working person. (Active)

(h) Women should work as much as men. (Comparative)

(i) We should remember that industry is the key to success. (Passive)

(j) An idle man leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)


23. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board 2017]

a) We are grateful to the freedom fighters. (Make it a negative sentence)
b) Their contribution is greater than any other thing. (Make it positive)
c) The freedom fighters who died in the liberation war are called martyrs. (Make it a compound sentence)
d) it has built The National Memorial with a view to paying tribute to their memories. (Make it a complex sentence)
e) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Make it Comparative sentence)
f) We got our independence for their sacrifice. (Make it an interrogative sentence)
g) They fought bravely and snatched the red sun of independence. (Make it a simple sentence)
h) Though their weapons were ordinary, they had much courage in their mind. (Make it a compound sentence)
i) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative)
j) The government has taken some steps to improve their condition. (Passive)


24. Change the sentences to according directions. [Barisal Board-2017]

a) There was an old man in a village. (Interrogative)

b) He was very poor but honest. (Complex)

c) He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive)

d) He sold them in the neighbouring market. (Voice change)

e) Earning money in this way, he thus maintained his family. (Compound)

f) One day he could not but go to a market. (Affirmative)

g) The market was far from his house. (Negative)

h) He had a basket full of caps. (Complex)

i) He was too tired to walk. (Compound)

j) He sat under the-tree and fell asleep. (Simple)


SSC Examination-2016 All Board Questions



25. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dhaka Board 2016]


(a) We should read books to acquire knowledge. (Make complex sentence)

(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)

c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Make interrogative sentence)

(d) By reading good books, we can enrich our mind. (Make compound sentence)

(e) Reading books is a very good habit. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(f) This habit is rarely disliked. (Affirmative)

(g) More and more books should be read. (Use active voice)

(h) No other thing is as interesting as reading books. (Use comparative degree)

(i) When we read good books, we discover new worlds. (Make simple sentence)

(j) Very few friends are as great as a good book. (Make superlative degree)


26. Change the sentences according to the directions given in the brackets: [Rajshahi Board-2016]

a) Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest. (Make it complex sentence)

b) They were talking about their love for each other. (Make it interrogative meaning)

c) Suddenly they saw a bear which was coming towards them. (Make it simple sentence)

d) The first friend climbed up a tree. (Make it a complex sentence)

e) The later could not climb up a tree. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

f) He did not find any way. (Make it a passive voice)

g) He lay down on the ground and feigned death. (Make it a simple sentence)

h) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face. (Use passive voice)

i) He was thought to be dead. (Make it a complex sentence)

j) The bear went away and he escaped himself. (Make it a complex sentence)



27. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets. [Cumilla Board-2016]


a) Mr. Rahim, one of my cousins is a good teacher. (Complex)

b) He is older than I. (Positive degree)

c) He wants his students to be good citizens. (Complex)

d) He leaves no stone unturned to teach them morality. (Affirmative)

e) He becomes very happy when the students achieve good results in public examinations. (Exclamatory).

f) Mr. Rahim is not only punctual but also sincere. (Simple)

g) He is the best teacher in our area. (Negative)

h) He can not remain sitting in the class. (Affirmative)

i) He goes to class after taking preparation. (Compound)

J) All the students respect him very much. (Passive)



28. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Sylhet Board 2016]


a) Long time ago, there lived a young man called Ruplal. (Make compound sentence)
b) He lived with his family and worked on a farm. (Make interrogative sentence)
c) It was a beautiful place but there were a lot of problems. (Make complex sentence)
d) The village people were quarrelsome. (Make negative sentence)
e) Ruplal decided to go and live alone in the jungle in order to find peace. (Make complex sentence)
f) So he collected his things and went tó live by himself. (Make simple sentence)
g) Ruplal made a nice little hut for himself in the jungle. (Use passive voice)
h) How happy I am now! (Make assertive sentence)
i) My jungle hut is one of the most peaceful places in the world. (Make positive degree)
j) That night, while Ruplal was sleeping, he heard a noise. (Make simple sentence)


29. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Chattogram Board 2016]


a) Is there anybody who does not want to succeed in life?. (Assertive)
b) Do you know it? (Passive)
c) An industrious man will shine in life. (Complex)
d) Hard work is needed for success. (Active)

e) A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)
f) No one can receive any reward unless he works hard. (Simple)
g) One can't be successful without it. (Interrogative)
h) A successful man is very happy. (Exclamatory)
i) No other man is as happy as a successful man. (Superlative)
j) A hardworking man is healthier than an idle man. (Positive)


30. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets.[Sylhet Board 2019;Jashore Board 2016]


a) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)
b) A corrupted man can do anything against morality. (Complex)
c) People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)
d) Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)
e) The man who takes bribe is next to devil. (Simple)
f) Though we have strict law, we are still affected by this evil. (Compound)
g) No other person is as hated as a corrupted man. (Superlative)
h) We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Simple)
i) Everybody avoids a corrupted man. (Negative)
j) A corrupted man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)



31. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets.[Dinajpur Board-2016]


(a) William Wordsworth is one of the best well-known poets in English literature. (Positive)

(b) He was the second of his father’s five sons. (Negative)
(c) He was born at Cumberland on April 4, 1770. (Complex)
(d) When he was eight years old, his mother died. (Simple)
(e) In the same year, he was sent to the Grammar School of Hawkshead for education. (Compound)
(f) He was only 19 years old when his father died. (Interrogative)
(g) Fundamental education had been given to him at the school. (Active)
(h) The education that he learnt from this institution played better role in his life. (Simple)
(i) The readers called for a new edition of his famous book “The Lyrical Ballads in 1800 (Passive)

(j) This book brought a huge name and fame in his life. (Exclamatory)


SSC Examination-2015 All Board Questions


32. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Dhaka Board-2015]

(a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Positive)
(b) It was not invented overnight. (Active)
(c) Scientists spent many years and worked hard to invent television. (complex)
(d) Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Negative)
(e) People of all ages like to watch television. (Interrogative)
(f) The programmes telecast by television are very interesting. (Complex)
(g) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive)
(h) If you watch television, you can learn many things. (simple)
(i) People spend their free time by watching television. (Compound)
(j) Very few things are so useful as television. (Superlative)



33. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Rajshahi Board-2015]


(a) A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (Interrogative)
(b) Isn’t it the symbol of love and beauty? (Affirmative)
(c) Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)
(d) We present flower to our nearest and dearest person. (Passive)
(e) We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)
(f) The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive)
(g) Having sweet scent and beauty we love it very much. (Compound)
(h) It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)
(i) The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)
(j) As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day we should cultivate flower on commercial basis.(Simple)



34. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Cumilla Board 2015,2020]


a) Health is wealth. (Make complex sentence)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Use positive degree)

(c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Make compound sentence)

(d) He can succeed in life. (Make interrogative sentence)

(e) So, everybody cannot but be conscious of his health. (Make affirmative sentence)

(f) Everybody must take care of his health all the time. (Make negative sentence)

(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Use active voice)

(h) The people who are poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet. (Make simple sentence)

(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Make exclamatory)

(j) Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Use passive voice)



35. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Sylhet Board-2015]


(a) The students studying regularly can expect a good result. (Make it a complex sentence)
(b) But most of our students are inattentive to their studies. (Make it a negative sentence without changing the meaning)
(c) They waste their valuable time idly. (Use passive voice)
(d) Wasting time is harmful for them. (Make it an interrogative sentence)
(e) By repeating this activity they make a poor result. (Make it a complex sentence)
(f) Who loves them then? (Make it assertive sentence without changing the original meaning)
(g) They are treated badly even by their family members. (Use active voice)
(h) If a student fails in the examination, he suffers from an inferiority complex. (Make simple sentence)
(i) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student. (Use superlative)
(j) So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively so that he can do well in the examination. (Make it a simple sentence)


36. Change the Sentences according to the directions in the brackets. [Barisal Board-2015]

(a) Haji Mohammad Muhsin was not an unkind man at all. (Affirmative)
(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)
(c) He was unmarried. (Negative)
(d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)
(e) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)
(f) Seeing Muhsin the thief cried. (compound)
(g) The thief was caught. (Active)
(h) How needy the thief was!  (Assertive)
(i) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)
(j) Muhsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)




                       Transformation Worksheet -4.0 Answer





(a) Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Tarin.

(b) In spite of being a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child.

(c) Didn't she pass her time in reading and writing?

d) Her parents did not dislike her at all.

e) She was praised by everyone.

f) How attentive she was to her study!

g) She also helped her mother when she was free.

h) Did she ever told a lie?

(i) Very few girls in the school were as intelligent as she.

j) She worked hard so that she could shine in life. 





(a) What a devastating phenomenon of the modern world terrorism is!

b) At present, we call it a challenge to fight against it.

(c) Everybody is now in the threat of violence.

(d) Nothing is so disastrous as terrorism.

(e) It is more corrosive than most other problems of the modern world.

f) Who wants his children to be terrorist in future?

g) In spite of there being law to punish the terrorists, it is not properly applied.

h) If we apply the law properly, we can get rid of it.

i) We have to create social awareness and we can fight against corruption.

j) We all should not accept the killers of mankind.




(a) Isn't man the maker of his own fortune?

(b) By making proper use of his time he is sure to prosper in life.

c) The person who does otherwise is sure to repent later.

d) How miserably the lazy suffer in the long run!

(e) Isn't to kill time to commit suicide?

f) Our life is only a sum total of hours, days and years.

(g) No other season of life is as valuable as youth.

(h) In youth, the mind being soft can be shaped easily.

i) Use the morning hours of life or you have to pay a heavy price afterwards.

j) We call it the seedtime of life.




a) Casting our eyes everywhere, we notice the achievement of science.

b) The electricity lights not only the streets but also the houses.

c) News, songs and lectures are broadcast by radio.

d) There is cinema so that we can delight in the evening.

(e) Very few inventions of modern science are as important as computer.

(f) None can go without it.

(g) Computer is not less important than Internet.

h) It helps us and so we know about the world.

i) It is the greatest invention of modern science.

(j) What a miraculous event the invention of computer is!




(a) What an exciting game cricket is!

(b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

(c)  People all over the world play it.

(d) At present, it is more popular than any other game in our country.

(e) In spite of being a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing cricket.

(f) The game is played between two teams each of which consists of eleven players.

g) There are two umpires conducting the game.

(h) Isn't it full of thrill and excitement for the spectators? 

(i) Bangladesh is a test playing country and it is developing its standard day by day.

j) We cannot but try our best to improve its present position.




(a) People in general are fond of things which are glittering. 

(b) Aren't they the lovers of surface?

(c) The outer show of things and beings concern them.

(d) They care about extrinsic value.

(e) Very few metals are as precious as gold.

(f) But there are some other metals and they look like gold.

g) Fading soon they lose their beauty.

(h) Similarly, there are some people who act like the wise.

(i) As soon as their real identity gets revealed, people do not stay with them.

(j) How foolish we are believing in them!




(a) We want to acquire knowledge and we should read books. 

 (b) We are introduced to the domain of knowledge by books.

(c) The books that are written by great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas.

(d) No other friend is as great as books.

(e) Reading books is nobler than any other habit.

(f)Books give us both knowledge and pleasure.

(g)Some people do not read books and they keep themselves aloof from the realm of knowledge.

(h) Is there is any alternative to reading books to make a civilized society?

(i) We should motivate people to read more and more books.

j) We cannot but create social movement about reading books.


SSC Examination-2019 All Board Questions




(a) Man is better than any other creation of God.

(b) It is our responsibility to do good deeds.

(c)We do not measure our life by months or years.

(d) People who are honest lead a happy life.

(e) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not?

(f) Everybody is somewhat unhappy on the earth.

(g) So, time should not be wasted in vain by us.

(h) By using time properly, we can be benefited.

Or, We can be benefited by the proper use of time.

(i) None can avoid death.

Or, All men cannot but die.

(j) We take outmost care, but we cannot avoid death.




(a)  Isn't patriotism a noble virtue?

(b) It is greater than all other virtues in a man's life.

(c) It does not persuade a man to do anything unjust.

(d) This quality highly motivates a man to sacrifice his life for the country.

(e) It is a very outstanding quality.

f) A man who has patriotic zeal is called a patriot.

(g) A patriot fears only the creator.

(h) He pays taxes and obeys the law.

i) All respect him.

j) So, let us be patriots.




(a) Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.

(b) Computer is not a curse on Earth.

(c) In spite of its being a blessing, it has dark sides.

Or, It is a blessing having dark sides.

(d) Nowadays we are using computers in every sphere of life.

(e) We must depend on it.

(f) Who can deny its necessity?

Or, Can anyone deny its necessity?

g) It is more useful than any other device in our life.

(h) We are helped a lot by it.

(i) It is very useful and so it has become very popular.

(j) If we do not have computer, we cannot imagine our modern life.




(a) What a devastating phenomenon of the modern world terrorism is!

(b) Isn't it increasing alarmingly at present?

(c) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything.

(d) Very few problems of the modern world are as corrosive as it.

(e) People hate a terrorist.

(f) Everybody is now in the threat of violence.

(g) There are laws to punish the terrorists, but they are not properly applied.

(h) If we apply the law properly, we can get rid of terrorism.

(i) A terrorist leads a very miserable life.

(j) We should bring them to book.




(a) Isn't internet a computer-based networking system?

(b) It is a transmitting system of information which is speedy.

(c) Its functions are not only smooth but also rapid.

(d) A man having an internet connection gets a link soon according to his expectation.

(e) Many educational institutions are greatly benefited as/when they use internet.

(f) All the renowned libraries of the world can be visited by a student without going there.

(g) What an effective role it plays in the field of trade and commerce!

(h) Very few topics have become as popular as E-commerce to the customers.

(i) It helps the customer to buy or choose anything and they don't have to go to market.

(j) It is very amazing milestone in the modern world of communication:




(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was not an unkind man.

(b) He was unmarried.

(c) The people were cordially loved by him.

(d) Did he ever think of his own happiness? 

(e) What a simple life he led!

(f) He always helped those who were needy.

(g) He contributed much money for education so that he could educate the poor students.

(h) He had vast wealth, but he didn't spend for his own.

(i) Everybody knows his kindness.

(j) Very few men of the world were as great as he.




a) Isn't Bangladesh a low-lying country?

b) We are visited by natural disasters every year.

c) Flood is more dangerous than most other natural disasters.

d) Dhaka city has not yet suffered any severe earthquake.

e) People who live in the high land can escape flood.

f) This flood damages crops.

g) Everybody knows the consequence of Tsunami.

h) How devastating the recent flood was!

i) Bangladesh is not in the inactive earthquake zone.

j) No other city in the earthquake zone is as risky as Dhaka.




(a) Facebook is not an uncommon social network.

(b) Now, people are using it all over the world.

(c) Doesn't everybody use it?

(d) Every student has a smart phone.

(e) Everybody likes social network.

(f) No other social network is as good as Facebook.

(g) It gives pleasure without giving us freedom to use it.

(h) If you do not use it, you cannot keep pace with the modern world.

(i) We can use it and get many new information.

(j) I wish I could open a Facebook account. 

j) He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Make it a simple sentence)

                                            Transformation Worksheet-5.0


HSC Examination -2019 all board questions


1. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: [Dhaka Board-2019]


You must have heard the name of Bayazid Bostami.

(a) He was one of the greatest saints of Islam. (positive) One night he was learning his lessons.

(b) At that time his mother asked him for a glass of water. (passive)

(c) There was no drinking water in the house, so he went out to fetch it. (complex)

(d) When he came back, he found his mother sleeping. (compound) Then he passed the whole night standing with a glass of water beside his mother.

(e) He showed a great love and respect to his mother. (exclamatory)



2. Read the following sentences and change them as directed in the bracket. [Rajshahi Board-2019]


(a) Tell me your age. (Complex)

(b) Some poets are at least as great as Tennyson. (Superlative)

(c) What though the field be lost! (Assertive)

(d) My watch was lost. (Active)

(e) He confessed that he was guilty. (Simple)



3. Read the text and transform the sentences as directed. [Cumilla Board-2019]


Dowry is a curse for our society. It darkens the lives of many women.

(a) Dowry hampers the peace of the society. (Make it Passive)

(b) The brutal condition of the dark age must be stopped soon. (Make active)

(c) This is one of the major problems of Bangladesh. (Make it Positive)

(d) The dowry seekers are very greedy and demand money from bride’s father. (Make it Simple)

(e) What an unworthy crime the dowry is! (Make it Assertive)



4. Read the following sentences and change them as directed in the bracket. [Jashore Board-2019]


(a) An honest man is honoured everywhere by all. (active)

(b) He is not only a teacher but also a singer. (simple)

(c) Though we are improving very fast, we have to work hard for the country. (compound)

(d) Very few cricket teams in the world are as unpredictable as Pakistan. (superlative)

(e) My friend came to me to get help from us. (complex)


5. Transform the underlined parts of the following text as per direction. [Sylhet Board- 2019]


(a) “Beautiful Isn’t she?” Tanvir whispered. (Make it assertive)

(b) Tania nodded in agreement, but she was extremely nervous. (Make it complex)

(c) The tigress was now quite close to them. Make it interrogative) Tania’s heart was pounding, but Tanvir seemed oblivious to any danger.

(d) He got closer to the animal and pressed the shutter button with a boyish grin in the face. (Make it simple)

(e) And it suddenly occurred to Tania that her husband was the strongest man she had ever met. (Use the positive degree of the adjective)


6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: [Barishal Board-2019]


Anger is nothing but a vice.

(a) It begets only the worst. (Negative)

(b) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices. (Positive)

(c) So, we should control it for our own sake. (Passive).

(d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple)

(e) Realizing it, we should try to be emotionally balanced. (Complex)



7. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Chattogram Board-2019]


(a) Tea is the most popular drink. (comparative) (b) Tea helps us remove our fatigue. (Passive)

(c) Almost everyone enjoys tea. (Negative)

(d) Bangladesh is one of the tea producing countries. (Compound)

(e) Bangladesh exports tea and earns a lot of foreign exchange. (Simple)



8. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Dinajpur Board-2019]


Success never comes automatically.

(a) We work hard to attain success in our life (Complex).

(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious (Affirmative).

(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life (Simple).

(d) He can never help the people of the society (Passive). Such kind of man is the burden on the society.

(e) Everybody abhors him (Negative).



HSC Examination -2018 all board questions


9. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.[HSC Examination 2018-Ka Set]


(a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee (Comparative).
(b) It is known as an industrious creature (Active).
(c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey (Simple).
(d) It stores honey in the hive (Passive).
(e) In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring (Complex). It leads to a disciplined life.


10. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [HSC Exam 2018-Kha Set]

Bangladeshi developers can build modern robots like Sophia using its software.

(a) The humanoid robot, Sophia is one of the newest sensations in the ICT world. (Make it positive)
(b) Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina met Sophia at the inaugural ceremony of the four-day-long digital world expo. (Make it passive)
(c) The Hong Kong-based robotics company developed Sophia one and a half years ago. (Make it complex)
(d) Wearing a yellow Jamdani top and skirt, the robot came on the stage. (Make it compound)
(e) What an enthusiasm the robot generated among the youth! (Make it affirmative)



HSC Examination -2017 all board questions

11. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.[Dhaka Board-2017; Dinajpur Board-2012]

Frugality is a good habit.
(a) A man who is frugal does not like to spend money without reasons, (Simple)
(b) The target of a frugal man is to save money for future (Make it Complex).

(c) Everyone should practice frugality to make a well-planned family (Make it passive).
(d) A frugal man lives a solvent life (Make it Negative).
(e) A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man (Make it Positive).


12. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Rajshahi Board-2017]

(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh achieved independence. (Simple)

(b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh. (Comparative)

(c) Our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh (compound)

(d) It was a great struggle for them. (Exclamatory)

(e) We shall always remember them with pride. (Compound)



13. Read the text and change the sentences as directed:[Cumilla Board-2017]


(a) Some essential agricultural inputs are to be ensured to increase our food production. ( Make it active)
(b) The farmers who are poor do not get a loan on easy terms. (Make it simple)
(c) What a pity! ( Make it Assertive)
(d) The farmers do not get the facilities necessary for food production. (Make it Complex)
(e) Unfortunately, they do not get the due price of their products. (Make it Compound)



14. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Jashore Board-2017; Cumilla Board-2016]

We are very much proud of our freedom fighters.
(a) They fought for the country with patriotic zeal. (make it compound)
(b) They are the most courageous sons of our nation. (make it positive)
(c) Everybody admires and respects them greatly. (make it passive)
(d) Nobody denies their contribution to their motherland. (make it interrogative without changing meaning)
(e) They will never be forgotten by their countrymen to the end. (make it affirmative)


15. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.[Sylhet Board-2017]

(a) Most of the people of our country are living in the rural areas. (Make it interrogative without the change of meaning)
(b) They are peace-loving. (Make it complex)
(c) They are more patriotic and industrious. (Make it positive)
(d) They love their motherland profoundly. (Make it passive)
(e) Although they are insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. (Make it simple)



16. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Barishal board-2017; Dinajpur Board-2013]

(a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy Christmas presents for each other. (Compound)
(b) Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy, gift (Complex)
(c) Jim also thought how he could give his wife a nice gift. (Simple).
(d) Della saved a scanty amount of money for this. (Passive)
(e) Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known. (Positive)



17. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Chattogram board-2017]

(a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple)
(b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive)
(c) Actually at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative)
(d) There was another ruler also named Queen of Sheba. (Make it complex)

(e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it affirmative)



18. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Dinajpur Board-2017 & 2010; Dhaka Board-2011]

(a) Water, an important vital element of the environment is polluted in various ways (complex). It is called life.
(b) The water which is pure is necessary for us (simple).
(c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it (compound).
(d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely (passive).
(e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings positive).




HSC Examination -2016 all board questions


19. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.[Dhaka Board-2016]

(a) Pohela Baishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (Complex)
(b) It is the first day of the Bengali year when the city roads get so jam-packed. (Simple)
(c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way. (Passive)
(d) Although I do not like gathering, I enjoy the activities of this day. (Compound)
(e) It is one of the most interesting days of the year. (Positive)


20. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Rajshahi Board-2016]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it exclamatory)
(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Make it passive)
(c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. Make it comparative)
(d) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Make it simple)
(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high. (Make it complex)


21. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Jashore Board-2016]

(a) Helal refused the money. (Negative)
(b) Nasir earnestly desires to see her once. (Exclamatory).
(c) The house which I live in at present is comfortable. (Simple)
(d) He delivered a speech and everybody admired it. (Simple)
(e) It disturbed him but he did not know the reason. (Complex)


22. Read the text and change the sentences according to the direction. [Sylhet Board-2016]

The Tajmahal, the unique tomb is the 7th wonder of the world.
(a) It was three hundred years ago since emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj. (Make it simple).
(b) As he loved his wife Mumtaz very much, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife (Make it compound).
(c) The building was made with fine white marbles. (Make it active).
(d) It rests on a platform of red stone, therefore it looks very nice. (Make it complex).
(e) The Tajmahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. (Make it positive). Many tourists come here to enjoy the scenery of the Taj.


23. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Barishal board-2016]

(a) The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on unity. (Make it passive)
(b) The parks are crowded. (Negative without changing meaning) (c) There are lots of clean parks in the cities. (Compound)
(d) In the evening many families watch television and spend their free time. (Simple)
(e) Life becomes dull without recreation. (Complex)


24. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Chattogram board-2016]    

No person can be happy without friends.
So, (a) everybody wants friends. (Negative)
(b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love. (Complex)
(c) But you cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (Simple)
(d) You cannot be happy without it. (Interrogative)
So (e) As love is divine, everybody wants to love. (Compound)

25. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. [Dinajpur Board-2016]

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative)
(b) It is compared to flame. It begets only the worst. (Negative)
(c) So we should control it for our sake. (Passive)
(d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple)
(e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced. (Compound)






                  Transformation Worksheet-5.0 Answer




(a) Very few saints of Islam were as great as he. (b) At that time, he was asked for a glass of water by his mother.

(c) As there was no drinking water in the house, he went out to fetch it.

(d) He came back and found his mother sleeping.

 (e) What a love and respect he showed to his mother! 



(a) Tell me what your age is./Tell me how old you are.

(b) Tennyson is not the greatest of all poets. Or, Tennyson is one of the greatest poets.

(c) It does not matter though the field is lost.

(d) I lost my watch.

(e) He confessed his guilt.




(a) The peace of the society is hampered by dowry.

(b) We must stop the brutal condition of the dark age soon.

(c) Very few problems of Bangladesh are as major as this.

(d) Being very greedy, the dowry seekers demand money from bride's father.

(e) The dowry is a very unworthy crime.




(a) All honour an honest man everywhere.

(b) He is both a teacher and a singer.

(c) We are improving very fast, yet we have to work hard for the country.

(d) Pakistan is one of the most unpredictable cricket teams in the world.

(e) My friend came to me so that he could get help from us.




(a) "She is very beautiful."

(b) Though Tania nodded in agreement, she was extremely nervous.

(c) Wasn't the tigress now quite close to them? (d) Getting closer to the animal, he pressed the shutter button with a boyish grin in the face.

(e) No other man she had ever met was as strong as her husband.



(a) It begets nothing but the worst.

(b) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.

(c) So, it should be controlled for our own sake. (d) Taken by anger, he/a person causes a lot of troubles.

(e) If we can realize it, we should try to be emotionally balanced.



(a) Tea is more popular than any other drink.

(b) We are helped to remove our fatigue by tea./ We are helped by tea in removing our fatigue.

(c) There is hardly anyone who does not enjoy tea.

(d) There are many tea producing countries and Bangladesh is one of them./ Many countries produce tea and Bangladesh is one of them.

(e) Bangladesh earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting tea.





(a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.

(b) Peace and prosperity is impossible without being industrious.

(c) Leading an idle life, a man brings misery for his life./A man leading an idle life brings misery for his life./An idle man brings misery for his life.

(d) The people of the society can never be helped by him.

(e) Nobody likes him./ There is nobody but abhors him.


HSC Examination -2018 all Board questions




(a) A bee is busier than most other insects.

(b) We/People know it as an industrious creature. (c) Flying from flower to flower, it collects honey./ It flies from flower to flower to collect honey.

(d) Honey is stored in the hive by it.

(e) Though it remains idle in winter, it works hard in spring.




(a) Very few sensations in the ICT world are as new as Sophia, the humanoid robot.

(b) Sophia was met by honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the inaugural ceremony of the four-day-long digital world expo.

(c) It was one and a half years ago when the Hong Kong-based robotics company developed Sophia./ It is the Hong Kong-based robotics company that developed Sophia one and a half years ago.

(d) The robot wore a yellow Jamdani top and skirt and came on the stage.

(e) The robot generated a great enthusiasm among the youth.


HSC Examination -2017 all board questions

(a) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons.

(b) The target of a man who is frugal is to save money for future./ A frugal man has a target which is to saye money for future.

(c) Frugality should be practised to make a well-planned family by everyone.

(d) A frugal man does not live an insolvent life.

(e) A prodigal man is not so happy as a frugal man.

Answer: (a) Bangladesh achieved independence in 1971.

(b) It is more significant than any other event in the history of Bangladesh.

(c) It is our freedom fighters' who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh./ Our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for a cause which is the independence of Bangladesh.

(d) What a struggle it was for them!

(e) We shall always remember them and we shall do it with pride./We shall always remember them and take pride in them.



(a) We are to ensure some essential agricultural inputs to increase our food production.

(b) Poor farmers do not get loans on easy terms. (c) It is a great pity.

(d) The farmers do not get the facilities that are necessary for food production.

(e) They do not get the due price of their products and it is unfortunate.




(a) They had a patriotic zeal and they fought for the country with it./They fought for the country and they did so with a patriotic zeal.

(b) No other son of our nation is as courageous as they.

(c) They are greatly admired and respected by everyone.

(d) Who denies their contribution to their motherland?

(e) They will always be remembered by their countrymen to the end.



(a) Aren't most of the people of our country living in the rural areas?

(b) They are the people who love peace.

(c) No one is so patriotic and industrious as they. (d) Their motherland is profoundly loved by them.

(e) Despite their insolvency, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. /In spite of being insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. anyone.


                        Transformation Worksheet-5.1


1.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) If we use these resources properly, we can eradicate our poverty (Make it simple).
(b) Then they use hand-fans to fan themselves (Make it passive).
(c) Despite knowing some rules they hardly care for them (Make it compound).
(d) His parents did not dislike him at all (Make it affirmative).
(e) Students want to cross barriers of examination and so they seek chances (Make it complex).


2.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) They are concerned with the outer show of things and beings (Make it active).
(b) What is anger but a vice (Make it assertive)?
(c) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation (Make it compound).
(d) Very few geese of the world were as wonderful as it (Make it superlative).
(e) Nothing but education can give us the light of knowledge (Make it affirmative).


3.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) It does not degrade our mind and pollute our sensibility (Make it affirmative).
(b) As man is curious, he will try to invent new things (Make it simple).
(c) They help us to build new cells at the death of old ones (Make it complex).
(d) Once we were subjugated (Maki it negative).
(e) The cook told him that the duck had not more than one leg (Make it affirmative).


4.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) We have to take balanced diet so that we can be healthy (Make it simple).
(b) Everyone can prosper in life by reading books (Make it negative).
(c) There are many things that we can include in technology (Make it passive).
(d) They are called the peaceful people because of their nonviolent nature (Make it compound).
(e) The cook insisted that this duck had only one leg (Make it compound).


5.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) They grow not less than 24 varieties of crops (Make it affirmative).
(b) Though Hopi women cannot become religious leaders, their children inherit the clan of their mother (Make it simple).
(c) We belong to a country named Bangladesh (Make it compound).
(d) It is more powerful than anything else (Maki it superlative).
(e) Selling the eggs in the market, he became rich (Make it complex).


6.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Proper steps being taken, their condition may improve (Make it complex).
(b) No house was raided by him for robbery (Make it active).
(c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing leg (Make it simple).
(d) The roast looked too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation (Make it complex).
(e) Once a duck was roasted by a cook for his master (Make it active).

7.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) T-20 cricket matches have become one of the most exciting events on earth (Make it positive).
(b) Bangladesh has made tremendous progress in this field lately (Make it passive).
(c) Sakib-Al-Hasan, who tops the world’s best all-rounder ranking has made us proud (Make it simple).
(d) Despite doing an all-round performance both in batting and bowling he failed to bring victory for the team of Bangladesh (Make it complex).
(e) Those who love cricket were much enjoyed to see the match (Make it compound).

8.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Don’t make any mistake (Make it passive).
(b) Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the greatest poets of the world (make it positive).
(c) Getting certificates is not so much as education (Make it affirmative).
(d) We should achieve the capability which can make us think from others’ perspective having an unbiased and balanced opinion (Make it simple).
(e) Because of the scorching sun, life becomes miserable (Make it compound).

9.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) No one suffers as much as the poor (Make it superlative).
(b) Most of them hardly know the traffic rules (Make it passive).
(c) When he was 48 years old, he died (Make it simple).
(d) It begets the worst (Make it positive).
(e) It varies in sizes, it varies in colors too (Make it negative).


10.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) The drivers are basically responsible for the accidents (Make it complex).
(b) In the field of education no other contribution of the educationists was as great as that of Sir Salimullah (Make it superlative).
(c) Inside the skin there is a juicy kernel and it holds a stone in it (Make it simple).
(d) The outer show of things and beings concerns them (Make it passive).
(e) Children can neither sleep nor read (Make it affirmative).


11.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Along with this, we should always equip our mind with rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of and with others and co-existence (Make it passive).
(b) Adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase and so their effort has been proved ineffective (Make it simple).
(c) Education is not more getting certificates (Make it affirmative).
(d) Mangoes are grown best in the districts of Rajshahi and Chapai Nawabganj (Make it complex).
(e) There were two people on board (Make it compound).


12.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.


(a) E-mail is a messaging system which is based on computer (Make it simple).
(b) It is cheaper than telephone calls (Make it positive).
(c) It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously (Maki it complex).
(d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (Make it negative).
(e) But even here commercially operated e-mail facilities are used for important purposes (Make it active).

13.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.


(a) Different kinds of diseases which are fatal are spread for having these foods (Make it compound).
(b) We should be conscious or we will have to pay a lot for this (Make it simple).
(c) She had none to look after her (Make it complex).
(d) The bereavement overwhelmed the old woman (Make it passive).
(e) It is the most powerful of all things (Make it comparative).

14.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.


(a) Salma is a very good student.(Exclamatory).
(b)She is always attentive to his studies.(Negative)
(c) She reads attentively to do well in the examination.(Complex) 
(d) She is hardworking and does not waste time.(Simple)
(e) So everybody loves her.(Passive)

15.    Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.


 (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) 
(b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge (Complex).
(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).
(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) 

(e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)

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