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  • Abraham Lincoln / Unseen Passage / Information Transfer / Table Completion /Flow Chart / Summary Writing / Gap Filling Based on Passage / Unseen Comprehension for Exams- HSC, SSC, JSC

    Read the following passage and answer the questions no. 4-5. Abraham Lincoln 'was born in Kentucky, the USA in 1809. He worked on the farm of his father. He attended school for less than a year but taught himself to read and write. He did different types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer. He was gradually drawn to politics. The country was having problems regarding the practice of slavery. The white men owned large farms in the southern states. Blacks were brought from Africa to work on these farms and they were kept as slaves. At this difficult time, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA in 1860. He wanted to solve the problem of slavery. He faced many problems. He wanted to preserve the unity of the country at any cost. Finally a civil war broke out between the northern and the southern states. He fought the war bravely and declared, "A nation cannot exist half free and half slave". He won the war and kept the country united. Lincoln was elected president for the second time. He was not against anybody and wanted everybody to live in peace. He made sincere efforts to heal the people's wounds caused by the war. In 1862 Lincoln declared that from then onwards all slaves would be free. This made him very popular among the people. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. 4. Complete the table below with information from the passage.     1 x 5 = 5 Who /What Event/Activity Where/Place Year Abraham Lincoln born (i)  ... .. 1809 (ii)…… possessed the large farms   the southern  states     Lincoln  was elected president    (iii)….. 1860 He  (iv)…..   1862 He  Was killed   (v)…..   Extra Question: Biography of Abraham Lincoln Popular declaration All slave would be free     Worked as Successful lawyer and gradually drawn to (i) .....      Who What/why Event/Activity Where/Place when Achieve ment/ specialty   Abraham Lincoln   Born Kentucky, the USA In 1809   He  President Was elected The use (ii)… At a difficult time He    (iii)….   in 1862 Made him very popular among the people He   Was Assassin acted   (iv)….   (v)…. To work on farms and do keep them as slaves Were brought From Africa     Answer:   (i) Kentucky, the USA (ii) The white men (iii) the USA (iv) declared the slaves free (v) 1865 Extra Solution Answer: (i) politics (ii) in 1860 (iii) declared that all the slaves would be free (iv) in 1865 (v) The Blacks Ad বাংলা অনুবাদ: আব্রাহাম লিঙ্কন ১৮০৯ সালে কেন্টাকি, ইউএসএ-তে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তিনি তার পিতার খামারে কাজ করতেন। তিনি এক বছরেরও কম সময় স্কুলে পড়াশোনা করেছিলেন, তবে নিজের ইচ্ছায় পড়া ও লেখা শিখেছিলেন। তিনি বিভিন্ন ধরনের কাজ করতেন, তারপর একটি সফল আইনজীবী হিসেবে স্থায়ী হন। ধীরে ধীরে তিনি রাজনীতির দিকে আকৃষ্ট হন। সেই সময়ে দেশের মধ্যে দাসত্বের ব্যাপারে সমস্যা ছিল। দক্ষিণী রাজ্যগুলিতে সাদা মানুষরা বড় বড় খামারী ছিল। আফ্রিকা থেকে কালো মানুষদের আনা হতো এই খামারে কাজ করার জন্য এবং তাদের দাস হিসেবে রাখা হতো। এই কঠিন সময়ে আব্রাহাম লিঙ্কন ১৮৬০ সালে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের প্রেসিডেন্ট নির্বাচিত হন। তিনি দাসত্বের সমস্যা সমাধান করতে চেয়েছিলেন। তিনি অনেক সমস্যার মুখোমুখি হন। তিনি দেশের একতা যে কোনও মূল্যে রক্ষা করতে চেয়েছিলেন। অবশেষে, উত্তরের এবং দক্ষিণের রাজ্যগুলির মধ্যে একটি গৃহযুদ্ধ শুরু হয়। তিনি সাহসের সঙ্গে যুদ্ধে অংশগ্রহণ করেন এবং ঘোষণা করেন, "একটি জাতি অর্ধেক স্বাধীন এবং অর্ধেক দাস থাকতে পারে না"। তিনি যুদ্ধ জিতেন এবং দেশটিকে একতাবদ্ধ রাখেন। লিঙ্কন দ্বিতীয়বার প্রেসিডেন্ট নির্বাচিত হন। তিনি কারো বিরুদ্ধে ছিলেন না এবং সকলকে শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে জীবনযাপন করতে চান। যুদ্ধের কারণে মানুষের আঘাতগুলি নিরাময় করতে তিনি আন্তরিক চেষ্টা করেন। ১৮৬২ সালে লিঙ্কন ঘোষণা করেন যে, এরপর থেকে সকল দাসকে মুক্ত করা হবে। এর ফলে তিনি মানুষের মধ্যে অত্যন্ত জনপ্রিয় হন। ১৮৬৫ সালে লিঙ্কনকে হত্যা করা হয়। Gap Filling Exercise (Based on the Text) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text: Abraham Lincoln was born in (a) __________ in 1809. He worked on his father's (b) __________. Though he attended school for less than a year, he taught himself to (c) __________ and (d) __________. He became a successful (e) __________ before entering politics. Answers: (a) Kentucky(b) farm(c) read(d) write(e) lawyer Summary Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky. He worked on his father's farm and attended school for less than a year. He taught himself to read and write and became a successful lawyer. In 1860, he was elected President of the USA and worked to solve the problem of slavery. He fought the Civil War to keep the country united and won. In 1862, he declared all slaves free, which made him very popular. He was assassinated in 1865. Flow Chart Completion Exercise (Based on the Text) Read the following text and make a flowchart showing the life events of Abraham Lincoln. (One is done for you.) 1. Born in Kentucky, USA in 1809 → 2. Worked on his father's farm → 3. Attended school for less than a year → 4. Taught himself to read and write → 5. Worked in different jobs before becoming a lawyer → 6. Drew closer to politics → 7. Elected President of the USA in 1860 → 8. Wanted to solve the issue of slavery → 9. Civil war broke out between northern and southern states → 10. Won the war and kept the country united → 11. Elected President for the second time → 12. Declared that all slaves would be free in 1862 → 13. Became very popular among the people → 14. Assassinated in 1865

  • Nelson Mandela / Unseen Passage / Information Transfer / Table Completion /Flow Chart / Summary Writing / Gap Filling Based on Passage / Unseen Comprehension for Exams- HSC, SSC, JSC

    Read the following passage and answer the questions Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, in 18 July 1918. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's apartheid policies. In November 1962 he was sentenced to five Years imprisonment and started serving his sentence at Robben Island Prison in 1963. From 1964 to 1982 he was again imprisoned at Robben Island Prison and then later moved to Polls moor Prison, during which his reputation as a potent symbol of resistance to the anti-apartheid movement grew steadily. Released from prison in 1990, Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and was inaugurated as the first democratically elected president of South Africa in 1994. He is the author of the international bestseller "Long Walk to Freedom and Conversations with me". Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He was in prison from 1962 to 1990. He became president of South Africa in 1994, and retired in 1999. He spent 27 years in prison for trying to overthrow the pro-apartheid government. After he left prison, he worked to achieve human rights and a better future for everyone in South Africa. Nelson Mandela died on 5 December 2013 following a long illness. Complete the table below with information from the passage 1  x 5 = 5 Who /What Event Where/Place When Nelson Mandela Born (i)  ... .. 1918 He  joined the African National congress (ii)…. He  (iii)……..   1993 He  Was president (iv)…….. 1994-99 He  Died In Africa (v)……   Extra Questions: (i) Who/What Action Why/Reason When/Times Nelson Mandela Broke the shackles of apartheid (i)….   Mandela (ii)…. (iii)…… Nearly three decades Mandeala (iv).. For establishment of peace 1993 (v)….. Free Mandela from prison     (ii) Who /What Event Where/Place When Nelson Mandela Took birth (i)  ... .. 1918 He  (ii)…… Robben Islands prison 1964-1982 He  became   (iii)   President of south Africa     He  (iv)…..   1993 He Died of lung disease   (v)   Answer:  (i) Transkei, South Africa (ii) 1944 (iii) won Nobel Peace Prize (iv) South Africa (v) 2013 Extra Solutions  Answer: (i) (i) to establish multi-racial democracy and bring peace in the society (ii) imprisoned (iii) for his fight against white minority rule (iv) won Nobel Peace Prize (v) Klerk (ii) (i) in Transkei, South Africa (ii) was imprisoned (iii) in 1994 (iv) won the Nobel Peace Prize (v) 5 December, 2013 Ad বাংলা অনুবাদ: নেলসন ম্যান্ডেলা ১৮ জুলাই ১৯১৮ সালে দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার ট্রান্সকেই-এ জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তিনি ১৯৪৪ সালে আফ্রিকান ন্যাশনাল কংগ্রেসে যোগ দেন এবং জাতীয় পার্টির বর্ণবাদী নীতির বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিরোধ আন্দোলনে অংশগ্রহণ করেন। ১৯৬২ সালের নভেম্বর মাসে তাকে পাঁচ বছরের কারাদণ্ড দেওয়া হয় এবং ১৯৬৩ সালে তিনি রোবেন দ্বীপের কারাগারে তার সাজা ভোগ করতে শুরু করেন। ১৯৬৪ থেকে ১৯৮২ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি আবারও রোবেন দ্বীপের কারাগারে বন্দী ছিলেন এবং পরে তাকে পলস্মোর কারাগারে স্থানান্তর করা হয়। এই সময়ে তিনি বর্ণবাদবিরোধী আন্দোলনের প্রতীক হিসেবে ক্রমাগত খ্যাতি অর্জন করেন। ১৯৯০ সালে কারাগার থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়ার পর, ১৯৯৩ সালে তিনি নোবেল শান্তি পুরস্কার লাভ করেন এবং ১৯৯৪ সালে দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার প্রথম গণতান্ত্রিকভাবে নির্বাচিত রাষ্ট্রপতি হিসেবে শপথ গ্রহণ করেন। তিনি আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে জনপ্রিয় বই "লং ওয়াক টু ফ্রিডম" এবং "কনভারসেশনস উইথ মি" এর লেখক। নেলসন ম্যান্ডেলা দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার প্রথম কৃষ্ণাঙ্গ রাষ্ট্রপতি ছিলেন। তিনি ১৯৬২ থেকে ১৯৯০ সাল পর্যন্ত কারাগারে ছিলেন। ১৯৯৪ সালে তিনি দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার রাষ্ট্রপতি হন এবং ১৯৯৯ সালে অবসর নেন। তিনি বর্ণবাদী সরকার উৎখাতের প্রচেষ্টার জন্য ২৭ বছর কারাবন্দী ছিলেন। কারাগার থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়ার পর, তিনি দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার সকল মানুষের মানবাধিকার ও উন্নত ভবিষ্যৎ নিশ্চিত করার জন্য কাজ করেন। ৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৩ সালে দীর্ঘ অসুস্থতার পর তিনি মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। Gap Filling Exercise (Based on the Text) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text: Nelson Mandela was born in (a) __________ in 1918. He joined the (b) __________ in 1944 and actively resisted apartheid policies. In 1962, he was sentenced to (c) __________ years in prison. After spending 27 years in prison, he was finally released in (d) __________. In 1994, he became the first (e) __________ president of South Africa. Answers: (a) Transkei, South Africa(b) African National Congress(c) five(d) 1990(e) black Summary Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 in South Africa. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and fought against apartheid. He was imprisoned in 1962 and spent 27 years in prison before being released in 1990. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize and became South Africa’s first black president in 1994. He retired in 1999 and continued working for human rights. Mandela passed away on 5 December 2013 after a long illness. Flow Chart Completion Exercise (Based on the Text) Read the following text and make a flowchart showing Nelson Mandela’s life events. (One is done for you.) 1. Born in Transkei, South Africa, in 1918 → 2. Joined African National Congress in 1944 → 3. Engaged in resistance against apartheid policies → 4. Sentenced to five years in prison in 1962 → 5. Imprisoned at Robben Island (1963-1982), later moved to Pollsmoor Prison → 6. Released from prison in 1990 → 7. Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 → 8. Became South Africa’s first black president in 1994 → 9. Retired in 1999 → 10. Died on 5 December 2013

  • Thai young footballers & Coach / Unseen Passage / Information Transfer / Table Completion /Flow Chart / Summary Writing / Gap Filling Based on Passage / Unseen Comprehension for Exams- HSC, SSC, JSC

    Complete the table below with information from the passage. On 23 June 2018, twelve Thai young footballers along with their coach missed in a cave network in Chiang Rai province in Thailand. From the next day national and international community became worried for them. Their age was between 11 to 16 and their coach was 25. The football team had been on an exploration to the cave network following a game. The group became stranded after monsoon rain caused the cave system to flood. The cave system named Them Luang is 10 kilometers long. It is a snaking route which has a number of chambers already submerged in water. It took 6 hours to get where footballers were and five hours to come back to cave entrance. Thai rescuers began their expedition to find out them after the missing. International rescue team also joined them. On July 3 the footballers were discovered alive by a British diver. Spending nine days in darkness they were suffering from hunger. A Thai rescuer died while he was supplying them food and other necessities. Getting weather forecast the rescue team planned to rescue them immediately. Navy divers had to lead the boys along the underway path from the cave. On July 8, four boys were rescued. Finally all 13 were rescued in next three days Complete the table below with information from the above passage:   1 x 5 = 5 Missing of  youn g Thai Footballers Aim Rescue the team alive Who  Activities When Where/place 12 Thai Footballers missed June 23 201 8   (i) ......... International community (ii) .......... June 24 2018 around the world community  A British diver (iii)…. July 3 2018 The Luang Cave  Chiang Rai, Thailand   A Thai Rescuer died (iv)…… The Luang Cave  Chiang Rai, Thailand   (v)……. Were rescued Next three days Chiang Ral,Thailand Answer: Answer:   (i) Tham Luang cave of Chiang Rai province in Thailand (ii) became worried (iii) discovered the footballers alive (iv) while supplying food and other necessities (v) The footballers Ad বাংলা অনুবাদ: ২৩ জুন ২০১৮ সালে, বারো জন থাই কিশোর ফুটবলার এবং তাদের কোচ থাইল্যান্ডের চিয়াং রাই প্রদেশের একটি গুহা নেটওয়ার্কে নিখোঁজ হয়ে যায়। পরদিন থেকেই জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক সম্প্রদায় তাদের নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন হয়ে ওঠে। তাদের বয়স ছিল ১১ থেকে ১৬ বছর এবং তাদের কোচের বয়স ছিল ২৫। ফুটবল দলটি একটি ম্যাচের পর গুহা নেটওয়ার্কটি অন্বেষণে গিয়েছিল। কিন্তু বর্ষার বৃষ্টিতে গুহার অভ্যন্তরীণ অংশ প্লাবিত হয়ে যাওয়ায় তারা সেখানে আটকা পড়ে। থাম লুয়াং নামক গুহা নেটওয়ার্কটি ১০ কিলোমিটার দীর্ঘ এবং এটি অনেক চেম্বার বিশিষ্ট সর্পিল পথবিশিষ্ট। যেখানে ফুটবলাররা আটকা পড়েছিল সেখানে পৌঁছাতে ৬ ঘণ্টা সময় লেগেছিল এবং ফিরে আসতে ৫ ঘণ্টা সময় লেগেছিল। থাই উদ্ধারকারীরা নিখোঁজদের খুঁজে বের করতে অভিযান শুরু করে এবং আন্তর্জাতিক উদ্ধারকারী দলও এতে যোগ দেয়। ৩ জুলাই, এক ব্রিটিশ ডুবুরি ফুটবলারদের জীবিত অবস্থায় খুঁজে পান। তারা নয় দিন অন্ধকারে কাটিয়েছিল এবং প্রচণ্ড ক্ষুধার্ত ছিল। তাদের খাদ্য ও অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস সরবরাহ করার সময় এক থাই উদ্ধারকর্মী মারা যান। আবহাওয়ার পূর্বাভাস পেয়ে উদ্ধারকারী দল দ্রুত তাদের উদ্ধারের পরিকল্পনা করে। নেভি ডুবুরিরা গুহার পানির নিচের পথ ধরে বালকদের বাইরে নিয়ে আসেন। ৮ জুলাই, চারজন বালককে উদ্ধার করা হয়। পরবর্তী তিন দিনে বাকিদেরও উদ্ধার করা হয় এবং অবশেষে সব ১৩ জনকে নিরাপদে বের করে আনা সম্ভব হয়। Gap Filling Exercise (Based on the Text) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text: On 23 June 2018, twelve young Thai footballers and their coach went (a) __________ inside a cave network in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The cave was (b) __________ due to heavy monsoon rain, trapping them inside. The search operation was launched by both Thai and (c) __________ rescue teams. After (d) __________ days in darkness, a British diver found them alive on July 3. Eventually, all 13 members were rescued safely after a (e) __________ operation that lasted for several days. Answers: (a) missing(b) flooded(c) international(d) nine(e) challenging Summary On June 23, 2018, twelve Thai footballers and their coach went missing in a cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand, after monsoon rains flooded the cave system. A major rescue operation began, involving both Thai and international teams. After nine days, a British diver found them alive, but they were weak from hunger. A Thai rescuer lost his life while providing them food. Due to worsening weather conditions, the team was evacuated immediately. Navy divers guided the boys through the flooded cave paths. On July 8, four boys were rescued, and within the next three days, all 13 were safely brought out. Flow Chart Completion Exercise (Based on the Text) Read the following text and make a flowchart showing the key events of Neil A. Armstrong's life. (One is done for you.) 1. Twelve footballers and their coach went missing in a cave on June 23, 2018 → 2. National and international concern grew over their disappearance → 3. The group got trapped due to monsoon flooding inside the cave → 4. Thai and international rescue teams started searching for them → 5. On July 3, a British diver found them alive inside the cave → 6. The boys suffered from hunger after spending nine days in darkness → 7. A Thai rescuer died while supplying them food and other necessities → 8. The rescue team decided to evacuate them immediately → 9. Navy divers led the boys through the underwater cave path → 10. Four boys were rescued on July 8 → 11. All 13 were rescued in the next three days

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  • Writing- Notice | babarenglish

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  • Vocabulary with Clues

    Rules Basic Advanced Worksheets Beginner (1) Elementary (2) (PECE) Pre-intermediate (3) (JSC) Intermediate (4) (SSC) Upper-intermediate (5( (HSC) Advanced (6)(University) Cloze Test With Clues Rules of With Clues/Without Clues With Clues Worksheet-A 1. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. came asked Edge looked orchard during gave safe Went mangoe picked lived Once upon a time there (a) ----- a poor man called Suruj Ali. He (b) ----- after a large mango orchard. Hamidur Rahman was the owner of the orchard. One day some of Hamidur Rahmans friends (c) ----- to visit him. It was (d) ------- the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman (e) ------- Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe (f) ---- for his friends. Suruj Ali (g) ----- to the (h) ----- and (i) ----some nice large mangoes. Then he (j) ----- them to his master. 2. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. were sit hold as at did cast feel follow into Hans (a)---- excited but nervous (b)---- he walked (c)--- Frankel’s library.The small metal object and the book (d)--- still there on Frankel’s desk.Hans (e)-- down and looked (f)---- the book .Then he (g)--- the metal object and (h)--- the instructions carefully. It was not easy to (i) ----the spell,but he (j)--- his best. 3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. forge bellows stood see looked were laughing pulled walked bright back together Mr Ahmed and the boys (a) ------ up to the smithy and (b) ----- in. Inside the hutst were two blacksmiths. They were working (c) ----- in front of their (d) ------. They could also (e) -- a young boyof about their own age. He was helping the two blacksmiths. He (f) ---a small metal chain. When he pulled it, the (g) --- blew. Mr Ahmed and his students could see the large bellows at the (h) --- of the smithy. And in front of the bellows (i) --- the forge. Though the two blacksmiths were small, their muscles (j) ---- as strong as iron. 4. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. alert lay over fell recognised into hospitalize into wiping unconscious walked informed Mrs Siddiqua Murshed, Rinas grandmother got an accident near the college pond. She (a) ---- down and hurt hershelf. When Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. Without making any delay, the two boys walked quickly (b) ----- to the crowd of people. Anwar (c) --- her. She was no other than Rinas grandmother. Anwar ran off and soon reached Rinas house. Rinas mother was (d) ---- of the accident. Taking down a note to Rina, she and Anwar (e) ---- quickly up the road towards the college pond together. They arrived at the college pond and Mrs Rahena Salam saw her mother still lying (f) ----- on the ground. She (g) - on her side with Kasem and a lady kneeling beside her. The lady was (h) ----- Mrs Siddiqua Moursheds forehead with a cool damp cloth. They decided to (i) ------ her immediately. Anwar somehow managed a push-cart and Mrs Salam, Kashem and Anwar gently lifted Mrs Murshed (j) ------ it. 5. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. able helping visit grateful learn about All true being like “While I was (a) ---- taken to the hospital, my granddaughter, Rina, looked after her young brother, Tunu, (b) ---- by herself. Then, when she and Luna came to (c) ---- me in hospital, she told a story to me. Its (d) ----- a very responsibal young person (e) ---------- herself, and its (f) ----------. After lunch, you’ll be (g) ---------- to hear Rinas story for yourselves. I think we can all (h) ---------- a lot from interesting stories like that. “I’m very (i) ---------- to all you young people for (j) ---------- me to recover from my accident so quickly.” 6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. grow snow cover off inside grow bare finish out hard outside window After sometime, the warm sunny days (a)…..Then the winter season came and the weather in Greece (b)….cold. The soft earth became (c)….and nothing could (d)……The leaves dropped (e)…..the trees and the countryside looked (f)….and grey. Then it started (g)….and the fields were covered in soft white snow. Mr Ant stayed (h)… his house. Through his (i)….he looked at the trees and the white fields (j)….in snow. 7. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. garden shop asked talking discussion teacher make used looked with against over The next day class 8 had (a)----with their general science (b)…..,Mr Anis Ahmed. “We‘ve been (c)….with our new student, Anwar, Sir,” said Kashem. “In his old school, they (d)…..the profit from their school (e)… make a school garden. We also (f)….a profit from our school shop and we have enough land in our school to make a (g)…..” Mr Ahmed (h)…out of the classroom widow. “Do you want to use that piece of land (i)….there?” (j)----Mr Ahmed. 8. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. bellows complecated smithy cast hard spell heat instruments example rather bellows was At the side of the laboratory (a) ---------- Frankels libray. In the laboratory, Frankel and Hans worked (b) ---------- together. Hans thought that the laboratory was (c) ---------- like a (d) ----------. For (e) ---------- they sometimes used chains, (f) ---------- and a forge to (g) ---------- and mix different kinds of metals. But the work was more (h) ---------- than a blacksmiths. They used their (i) ---------- to make spells, not spades and hoes. Frankel, however, did not (j) ---------- his spells in the labortary. 9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. gave was chosen is were hot given chose started dug stood flooded A piece of land was (a) ---to the class 8 students. It (b) -----about twelve metres long and six metres wide. The Headmaster (c) ----it to them. He and Mr Ahmed (d) ------ it. It was (e)----for three reasons. It (f)….near the school’s well, was always sunny and during the rainy season never (g)------.That (h)----why it was suitable. So, when all the tools (i)….made, the students (j)…to work. 10. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. about quickly better Bent round inside best broken heard upset Rina stood up (a)---and looked down at the paper bag. It was broken and something inside was making damp. Rina (b)----down and carefully looked (c)—the paper bag. All her lovely eggs were (d)-----! She felt sad. She felt so (e)—that she started to cry. Suddenly she (f)----a voice. It was her (g)---friend. Luna put her hand(h)----Rina’s shoulders and soon Rina felt (i)---.Then they walked to school together and Rina told her (j)---the accident. 11. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. Leaves fell strong stopped admired boats Stored before quietly Leisure happily for While Mr Ant worked on his farm, Mr Grasshopper sang (a)---in the warm sun. And when he (b)---,he sat and (c)---the beautiful countryside all around him. He looked at the (d)---on the trees,the green fields and the fishermen’s (e)---on the sea. Then Mr. Grasshopper (f)---asleep. While Mr Grassopher slept (g)----in his chair, Mr Ant continued to work on his farm.(h)---many days, weeks and months, he was busy in his fields. And as soon as his crops were ready,he (i)----the grain in his granary. So while Mr Grassopher enjoyed his (j)----,Mr Ant worked hard from morning until night. 12. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. into Happen Ones queit celebration all see tell decide Show After lunch, Rina told her story to everyone. She liked to (a) ------ stories and could tell very good (b) ------. Everyone sat (c) ------- and listened to her. “This is a true story. It really (d) -------,” Rina explained. “I (e) ------- thye story in a letter to a newspaper. My friends mother (f) -------- it to me. I liked the letter so much that I (g) ------- to make it (h) ------ a story.” First she told the story to tunu and her grandmother. Now she is telling it to (i) -------- her family and friends at her grandmothers (j) --------. 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. exist hard summer during plenty used think about future agreed nature really Mr Grasshopper didn’t like to work (a)-----the lovely hot (b)----days. “It’s (c)---not necessary,” he told Mr Ant. “Why do you work so (d)----when there is (e)---of food to eat?” Mr Grasshopper asked him. “There is plenty of food now” (f)-----Mr Ant. “But what (g)----the future?” “Oh, the (h)----! exclaimed Mr Grasshopper. “Why do you (i)----about the future. Mr Ant? It really does not (j)----!” 14. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. tell ask problem reply sunny tree shade well worry garden green bit One (a)---- morning, Mr Anis Ahmed and his class 8 students were looking at the tender (b)---- plants in their school (c)-----. “They’re growing very(d)----,” said Mr Anis Ahmed. “But I’m a bit (e)--- about them. “Why? (f)--- Shahid. “What’s the (g)---?” “Well,” Mr Anis Ahmed (h)----. Come and sit in the (i)---- of this tree and I’ll (j)--- you.” 15. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. grateful invited celebration again about more returned thought feeling parents Mrs Murshed (a)----home after (b)—a week.She was (c)---strong (d)---after a few days(e)---.Then she (f)----about a (g)---for the students.She was really (h)---to them.For this,she (i)---Rina,her friends and their (j)---. 16. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. planned happy family grateful to vegetables some admitted this gave Mr Ahmed (a)---some (b)---for Rina’s grandmother.She was (c)----in Nurpur Hospital.Rina’s (d)---was (e)---to Mr Ahmed.For (f)---Mrs Salam (g)---to give Mr Ahmed (h)---eggs.Rina was (i)---to give the eggs (j)----Mr Ahmed. 17. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. helped grateful classmates story taken are about take hospital young Rina’s grandmother was (a)----to hospital.She would (b)—there for (c)---a week.Anwar and Kashem (d)----Rina’s (e)---.They (f)----her mother to (g)---her grandmother to the (h)---.Rina’s family was (i)----to the (j)---people. 18. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. decide be situate live face use dislike settle take leave There (a)----a young man,named Ruplal who (b)---with his family in a small village(c)—near a jungle.Though the farm was beautiful,he (d)---many problems there.He (e)---the place because the people of the place (f)—to quarrel always.So he (g)—to leave his village and (h)—in the jungle,Finally he (i)—his village (j)---necessary things with him. 19. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. 10 embarrassed wanted call house called visitors home read company moment One day Anwar kept (a)----in his reading room.Then some (b)---came to their (c)----to see his father.But at that (d)----his father was not at (e)----.His mother (f)---to go out to find and (g)---his father home.So she (h)—Anwar and told him to give (i)---to the visitors.But Anwar felt (j)---in the midst of the grown up people. 20. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. feel arrive by recover like start short with come as sense grateful Half an hour later the (a)---of Anwar and Kashem,the celebration (b)---.The function started (c)----the speech of Mrs Murshed.In her (d)----speech,she thanked everyone for (e)---to the party.She said that she (f)---for the help of the young people (g)—Anwar and Kashem.She (h)---proud for their (i)---of responsibility.She was also (j)---to them. 21. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. went come down gave take flew right spoke about introduced explained found I think I (a)----to you on the telephone (b)----20 minutes ago. “Yes,that’s (c)---,”said Rafiq. “Please (d)----in.” So Mrs Green (e)---in and sat (f)---.Then Rafiq (g)---Salma to Mrs Green. “This is my younger sister,Salma,”he (h)---“Salma(i)—your bag in the road and brought it here.” Salma (j)---Mrs Green the bag. 22. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. start go ask bring eat sweet orchard master mangoes with Suruj Ali (a)-----to the orchard and carefully picked some nice,large (b)----.Then he gave them to (c)---when Hamidur Rahman and his friends (d)----eating them.Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste (e)----.They’re sour! How can we (f)---them?” So he called Suruj Ali back and (g)----him to take the sour mangoes away and (h)---some sweer ones from his (i)----.Suruj Ali came soon (i)---some ripe mangoes. 23. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. perform be appoint name own entertain pick tell invite call Once there (a)----a rich man.He (b)----a big mango orchard.He (c)---a caretaker (d)---Suruj Ali.He (e)---his job sincerely.One day the rich man (f)---some of his friends to his house.He wanted to (g)---them with sweet mangoes.He (h)—the caretaker and (i)---him to bring some sweet mangoes for the guests.Accordingly Suruj Ali (j)---some mangoes for them. 24. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. near sight Student inhabitant returning picked something should take thought Salma was a (a)----of class 8.She was an (b)---of Dhaka city.One day she was (c)---home.On the way,(d)---came in her(e)---.She went (f)---the bag.She thought not to (g)—it.But again she (h)---that she (i)---take it.Then she (j)---it and took home. 25. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. happy asked pale moment talking why tired see mother arrive Rina’s mother was (a)---to her (b)----.At that (c)---,Rina and Luna (d)---there.Grandmother was (e)----to (f)---the girls.Grandmother(g)---Rina(h)---she was looking so (i)----why she was looking so (j)---. 26. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. green very kind went holiday wanted some put asked you explained replied “Would you like (a)----tea?” Salma asked Mrs. (b)--. “Oh,yes please.” (c)---Mrs Green, “That’s very (d)---of you.” “My husband and I are on (e)---in Bangladesh”she (f)---. “This morning we (g)---to go to the bank.We (h)—in a rickshaw.But it was (i)—small.I (j)---my bag behind it. With Clues Worksheet-A Answer 1. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. came asked Edge looked orchard during gave safe Went mangoe picked lived Once upon a time there (a) ----- a poor man called Suruj Ali. He (b) ----- after a large mango orchard. Hamidur Rahman was the owner of the orchard. One day some of Hamidur Rahmans friends (c) ----- to visit him. It was (d) ------- the summer season when the mangoes were ripe. So Hamidur Rahman (e) ------- Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe (f) ---- for his friends. Suruj Ali (g) ----- to the (h) ----- and (i) ----some nice large mangoes. Then he (j) ----- them to his master. Answer: (a) lived (b) looked (c) came (d) during (e) asked (f) mangoes (g) went (h) orchard (i) picked (j) gave 2. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. were sit hold as at did cast feel follow into Hans (a)---- excited but nervous (b)---- he walked (c)--- Frankel’s library.The small metal object and the book (d)--- still there on Frankel’s desk.Hans (e)-- down and looked (f)---- the book .Then he (g)--- the metal object and (h)--- the instructions carefully. It was not easy to (i) ----the spell,but he (j)--- his best. Answer: (a) felt (b) as (c) onto (d) were (e) sat (f) at (g) held (h) followed (i) cast(j) did 3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. forge bellows stood see looked were laughing pulled walked bright back together Mr Ahmed and the boys (a) ------ up to the smithy and (b) ----- in. Inside the hutst were two blacksmiths. They were working (c) ----- in front of their (d) ------. They could also (e) -- a young boyof about their own age. He was helping the two blacksmiths. He (f) ---a small metal chain. When he pulled it, the (g) --- blew. Mr Ahmed and his students could see the large bellows at the (h) --- of the smithy. And in front of the bellows (i) --- the forge. Though the two blacksmiths were small, their muscles (j) ---- as strong as iron. Answer: (a) walked (b) looked (c) together (d) forge (e) see (f) pulled (g) bellows (h) back (i) stood (j) were 4. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. alert lay over fell recognised into hospitalize into wiping unconscious walked informed Mrs Siddiqua Murshed, Rinas grandmother got an accident near the college pond. She (a) ---- down and hurt hershelf. When Anwar and Kashem were walking home together, they noticed a small crowd near the college pond. Without making any delay, the two boys walked quickly (b) ----- to the crowd of people. Anwar (c) --- her. She was no other than Rinas grandmother. Anwar ran off and soon reached Rinas house. Rinas mother was (d) ---- of the accident. Taking down a note to Rina, she and Anwar (e) ---- quickly up the road towards the college pond together. They arrived at the college pond and Mrs Rahena Salam saw her mother still lying (f) ----- on the ground. She (g) - on her side with Kasem and a lady kneeling beside her. The lady was (h) ----- Mrs Siddiqua Moursheds forehead with a cool damp cloth. They decided to (i) ------ her immediately. Anwar somehow managed a push-cart and Mrs Salam, Kashem and Anwar gently lifted Mrs Murshed (j) ------ it. Answer: (a) fell (b) over (c) recognised (d) informed (e) walked (f) unconscious (g) lay (h) wiping (i) hospitalized (j) onto 5. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. able helping visit grateful learn about All true being like “While I was (a) ---- taken to the hospital, my granddaughter, Rina, looked after her young brother, Tunu, (b) ---- by herself. Then, when she and Luna came to (c) ---- me in hospital, she told a story to me. Its (d) ----- a very responsibal young person (e) ---------- herself, and its (f) ----------. After lunch, you’ll be (g) ---------- to hear Rinas story for yourselves. I think we can all (h) ---------- a lot from interesting stories like that. “I’m very (i) ---------- to all you young people for (j) ---------- me to recover from my accident so quickly.” Answer: (a) being (b) all (c) visit (d) about (e) like (f) true (g) able (h) learn (i) grateful (j) helping 6. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. grow snow cover off inside grow bare finish out hard outside window After sometime, the warm sunny days (a)…..Then the winter season came and the weather in Greece (b)….cold. The soft earth became (c)….and nothing could (d)……The leaves dropped (e)…..the trees and the countryside looked (f)….and grey. Then it started (g)….and the fields were covered in soft white snow. Mr Ant stayed (h)… his house. Through his (i)….he looked at the trees and the white fields (j)….in snow. Answer(a) finished (b) grew (c) hard (d) grow (e) off (f) bare (g) snowing (h) inside (i) windows (j) covered 7. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. garden shop asked talking discussion teacher make used looked with against over The next day class 8 had (a)----with their general science (b)…..,Mr Anis Ahmed. “We‘ve been (c)….with our new student, Anwar, Sir,” said Kashem. “In his old school, they (d)…..the profit from their school (e)… make a school garden. We also (f)….a profit from our school shop and we have enough land in our school to make a (g)…..” Mr Ahmed (h)…out of the classroom widow. “Do you want to use that piece of land (i)….there?” (j)----Mr Ahmed. Answer: (a) discussion (b) teacher (c) talking (d) used (e) shop (f) make (g) garden (h) looked (i) over (j) asked 8. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. bellows complecated smithy cast hard spell heat instruments example rather bellows was At the side of the laboratory (a) ---------- Frankels libray. In the laboratory, Frankel and Hans worked (b) ---------- together. Hans thought that the laboratory was (c) ---------- like a (d) ----------. For (e) ---------- they sometimes used chains, (f) ---------- and a forge to (g) ---------- and mix different kinds of metals. But the work was more (h) ---------- than a blacksmiths. They used their (i) ---------- to make spells, not spades and hoes. Frankel, however, did not (j) ---------- his spells in the labortary. Answer (a) was (b) hard (c) rather (d) smithy (e) example (f) bellows (g) heat (h) complicated (i) instruments (j) cast 9. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. gave was chosen is were hot given chose started dug stood flooded A piece of land was (a) ---to the class 8 students. It (b) -----about twelve metres long and six metres wide. The Headmaster (c) ----it to them. He and Mr Ahmed (d) ------ it. It was (e)----for three reasons. It (f)….near the school’s well, was always sunny and during the rainy season never (g)------.That (h)----why it was suitable. So, when all the tools (i)….made, the students (j)…to work. Answer: (a)given (b) was (c) gave (d) chose (e) chosen (f) stood (g) flooded (h) is (i)were (j) started 10. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. about quickly better Bent round inside best broken heard upset Rina stood up (a)---and looked down at the paper bag. It was broken and something inside was making damp. Rina (b)----down and carefully looked (c)—the paper bag. All her lovely eggs were (d)-----! She felt sad. She felt so (e)—that she started to cry. Suddenly she (f)----a voice. It was her (g)---friend. Luna put her hand(h)----Rina’s shoulders and soon Rina felt (i)---.Then they walked to school together and Rina told her (j)---the accident. Answer: (a) quickly (b) bent (c) inside (d) broken (e) upset (f) heard (g) best (h) round (i) better (j) about 11. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. Leaves fell strong stopped admired boats Stored before quietly Leisure happily for While Mr Ant worked on his farm, Mr Grasshopper sang (a)---in the warm sun. And when he (b)---,he sat and (c)---the beautiful countryside all around him. He looked at the (d)---on the trees,the green fields and the fishermen’s (e)---on the sea. Then Mr. Grasshopper (f)---asleep. While Mr Grassopher slept (g)----in his chair, Mr Ant continued to work on his farm.(h)---many days, weeks and months, he was busy in his fields. And as soon as his crops were ready,he (i)----the grain in his granary. So while Mr Grassopher enjoyed his (j)----,Mr Ant worked hard from morning until night. Answer: (a) happily (b) stopped (c) admired (d) leaves (e) boats (f) fell (g) quietly (h) for (i) stored (j) leisure 12. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. into Happen Ones queit celebration all see tell decide Show After lunch, Rina told her story to everyone. She liked to (a) ------ stories and could tell very good (b) ------. Everyone sat (c) ------- and listened to her. “This is a true story. It really (d) -------,” Rina explained. “I (e) ------- thye story in a letter to a newspaper. My friends mother (f) -------- it to me. I liked the letter so much that I (g) ------- to make it (h) ------ a story.” First she told the story to tunu and her grandmother. Now she is telling it to (i) -------- her family and friends at her grandmothers (j) --------. Answer : (a) tell (b) ones (c) quietly (d) happened (e) saw (f) showed (g) decided (h) into (i) all (j) celebration 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. exist hard summer during plenty used think about future agreed nature really Mr Grasshopper didn’t like to work (a)-----the lovely hot (b)----days. “It’s (c)---not necessary,” he told Mr Ant. “Why do you work so (d)----when there is (e)---of food to eat?” Mr Grasshopper asked him. “There is plenty of food now” (f)-----Mr Ant. “But what (g)----the future?” “Oh, the (h)----! exclaimed Mr Grasshopper. “Why do you (i)----about the future. Mr Ant? It really does not (j)----!” Answer:(a) during (b) summer (c) really (d) hard (e) plenty (f) agreed (g) about (h) future (i) care (j) exist 14. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. tell ask problem reply sunny tree shade well worry garden green bit One (a)---- morning, Mr Anis Ahmed and his class 8 students were looking at the tender (b)---- plants in their school (c)-----. “They’re growing very(d)----,” said Mr Anis Ahmed. “But I’m a bit (e)--- about them. “Why? (f)--- Shahid. “What’s the (g)---?” “Well,” Mr Anis Ahmed (h)----. Come and sit in the (i)---- of this tree and I’ll (j)--- you.” Answer (a) sunny (b) green (c) garden (d) well (e) worried (f) asked (g) problem (h) replied (i) shade (j) tell 15. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. grateful invited celebration again about more returned thought feeling parents Mrs Murshed (a)----home after (b)—a week.She was (c)---strong (d)---after a few days(e)---.Then she (f)----about a (g)---for the students.She was really (h)---to them.For this,she (i)---Rina,her friends and their (j)---. Answer: (a) returned (b) about (c) feeling (d) again (e) more (f) though (g) parts (h) grateful (i) invited (j) parents 16. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. planned happy family grateful to vegetables some admitted this gave Mr Ahmed (a)---some (b)---for Rina’s grandmother.She was (c)----in Nurpur Hospital.Rina’s (d)---was (e)---to Mr Ahmed.For (f)---Mrs Salam (g)---to give Mr Ahmed (h)---eggs.Rina was (i)---to give the eggs (j)----Mr Ahmed. Answer: (a) gave (b) vegetables (c) admitted (d) family (e) grateful (f) this (g) planed (h) some (i) happy (j) to 17. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. helped grateful classmates story taken are about take hospital young Rina’s grandmother was (a)----to hospital.She would (b)—there for (c)---a week.Anwar and Kashem (d)----Rina’s (e)---.They (f)----her mother to (g)---her grandmother to the (h)---.Rina’s family was (i)----to the (j)---people. Answer : (a) taken (b) be (c) about (d) are (e) classmates (f)helped(g) take (h)hospital (i) grateful (j) young 18. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. decide be situate live face use dislike settle take leave There (a)----a young man,named Ruplal who (b)---with his family in a small village(c)—near a jungle.Though the farm was beautiful,he (d)---many problems there.He (e)---the place because the people of the place (f)—to quarrel always.So he (g)—to leave his village and (h)—in the jungle,Finally he (i)—his village (j)---necessary things with him. Answer : (a) was (b) lived (c) situated (d) faced (e) disliked (f) used (g) decided (h) settled (i) taking 19. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. 10 embarrassed wanted call house called visitors home read company moment One day Anwar kept (a)----in his reading room.Then some (b)---came to their (c)----to see his father.But at that (d)----his father was not at (e)----.His mother (f)---to go out to find and (g)---his father home.So she (h)—Anwar and told him to give (i)---to the visitors.But Anwar felt (j)---in the midst of the grown up people. Answer:(a) reading (b) visitors (c) house (d) moment (e) home (f) wanted (g) call (h) called (i) company (j) embarrassed 20. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. feel arrive by recover like start short with come as sense grateful Half an hour later the (a)---of Anwar and Kashem,the celebration (b)---.The function started (c)----the speech of Mrs Murshed.In her (d)----speech,she thanked everyone for (e)---to the party.She said that she (f)---for the help of the young people (g)—Anwar and Kashem.She (h)---proud for their (i)---of responsibility.She was also (j)---to them. Answer : (a) arrival (b) started (c) with (d) short (e) coming (f) was recovered (g) like (h) felt (i) sense (j) grateful 21. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. went come down gave take flew right spoke about introduced explained found I think I (a)----to you on the telephone (b)----20 minutes ago. “Yes,that’s (c)---,”said Rafiq. “Please (d)----in.” So Mrs Green (e)---in and sat (f)---.Then Rafiq (g)---Salma to Mrs Green. “This is my younger sister,Salma,”he (h)---“Salma(i)—your bag in the road and brought it here.” Salma (j)---Mrs Green the bag. Answer: (a) spoke (b) about (c) right (d) come (e)went (f) down (g) introduced (h) explained (i) found (j) gave 22. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. start go ask bring eat sweet orchard master mangoes with Suruj Ali (a)-----to the orchard and carefully picked some nice,large (b)----.Then he gave them to (c)---when Hamidur Rahman and his friends (d)----eating them.Hamidur Rahman said, “These mangoes don’t taste (e)----.They’re sour! How can we (f)---them?” So he called Suruj Ali back and (g)----him to take the sour mangoes away and (h)---some sweer ones from his (i)----.Suruj Ali came soon (i)---some ripe mangoes. Answer: (a) went (b) mangoes (c) master (d) started (e) sweet (f) eat (g) asked (h) bring (i) orchard (j) with 23. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. perform be appoint name own entertain pick tell invite call Once there (a)----a rich man.He (b)----a big mango orchard.He (c)---a caretaker (d)---Suruj Ali.He (e)---his job sincerely.One day the rich man (f)---some of his friends to his house.He wanted to (g)---them with sweet mangoes.He (h)—the caretaker and (i)---him to bring some sweet mangoes for the guests.Accordingly Suruj Ali (j)---some mangoes for them. Answer: (a) was (b) owned (c) appointed (d) named (e) performed (f) invited (g) entertain (h) called (i) told (j) picked 24. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. near sight Student inhabitant returning picked something should take thought Salma was a (a)----of class 8.She was an (b)---of Dhaka city.One day she was (c)---home.On the way,(d)---came in her(e)---.She went (f)---the bag.She thought not to (g)—it.But again she (h)---that she (i)---take it.Then she (j)---it and took home. Answer: (a) student (b) inhabitant (c) returning (d) something (e) sight (f) near (g) take (h) thought (i) should (j) picked 25. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. happy asked pale moment talking why tired see mother arrive Rina’s mother was (a)---to her (b)----.At that (c)---,Rina and Luna (d)---there.Grandmother was (e)----to (f)---the girls.Grandmother(g)---Rina(h)---she was looking so (i)----why she was looking so (j)---. Answer: (a) talking (b) mother (c) moment (d) arrived (e) happy (f) see (g) asked (h) why (i) pale (j) tired 26. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right from of the verbs if needed. There are more words than necessary. green very kind went holiday wanted some put asked you explained replied “Would you like (a)----tea?” Salma asked Mrs. (b)--. “Oh,yes please.” (c)---Mrs Green, “That’s very (d)---of you.” “My husband and I are on (e)---in Bangladesh”she (f)---. “This morning we (g)---to go to the bank.We (h)—in a rickshaw.But it was (i)—small.I (j)---my bag behind it. Answer: (a) some (b) Green (c) replied (d) kind (e) holiday (f) explined (g) wanted (h) went (i) very (j) put With clues Worksheet-4.0 English First Paper 1. DB-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1x 10=10 food destroyed crisis rise habitat unsuitable turn rain live cut be effect If we (a)----- trees at random, one day our count will (b)------- into a desert. All living animals and birds will not find any (c) -----or shelter to (d) ----- in. They will be (e) -----.There will be no (f) ----and as a result our agriculture will face a great (g) ------. The temperature will (h)----- and it will cause greenhouse (i) -----.The country will be ( j) -----for living. 2. RB-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1x10=10 livelihood causes took products depend brings agricultural on consumption supplies beautiful decline Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)------ . It is an (b) ------country. Most of Many people of this country directly or indirectly (c) ------on agriculture for their (d) -------.Many important industries depend on agricultural (e) ------ . Agriculture (f)------- food stuff for human and animal (g) -------- . Any (h) ----- in agricultural products (i) ----- economic depression in the country. Failure of crops (j) -----sufferings of the entire people. 3. DN B-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 known bold hunger thirst inspired inconceivable see courage curiosity satisfied dangerous technology Man has an unquenchable (a)---- for knowledge. In fact, he is never (b)-------- with what he has (c) ----- and seen. He wants to know and (d)------ more and more. This (e) — to know more, coupled with his (f) — spirit of adventure, has (g)---- him to undertake and carry out difficult and (h)------ tasks. In the fields of science and (i) ------man has already achieved what was once( j) -------. 4. JB-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1x10=10 prevent enables take excellent tired fitness physically fills struggles essential free helps Physical exercise is (a) — for all. It keeps us (b) --- strong and healthy. Our life is full of activities and (c) —. We can face them if we have physical and sound (d) ---- .It is physical exercise which (e) — us to have a sound mind in a body. Physical exercise (f) --- some other benefits too. It also offers us an (g)---- recreation. It takes our mind (h)-----from the drudgery of work and (i) --- it with joy. So we must j)----physical exercise for our sound health. 5. COM B-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 through work long blue ready inferior dignity sacrifice high aware above same Man's (a)--------- depends on his work, Man is a rational being. He is to (b) ------ for others. He should not be proud of his (c)----- blood. He should be (d) ------ to help anyone of any class. The man whom he is helping may be (e)------ to him by birth. But after all he is a man. He has the (f)-----blood and flesh the (g)------ kind of man. So, he should (h)--------his own life for others' welfare. We cannot live (i)-----on earth. We must die one day. We can live (j) ----- our work. 6. CTG B-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.lx10=10 dependence risen necessity around production shortage circumstances shift improved sustained dependent demand Power is the key to the economic growth of any country. The (a) — of power is only known when load-shedding occurs. Though rural fife of Bangladesh is not totally (b) ---- on power, urban life cannot be (c) — without electricity. At present we have (d) — of around 4000 MW electricity and the (e) –--- is around 2000 MW. This demand is ever on the (f) ----- . In 2020 the national demand for electricity will rise to (g) ----- 8000 MW. The reality is that this situation cannot be (h) ----- just by installing some high capacity power generation plants. Under these (i) ----- we should create a master plan to increase the production of electricity and also have to j) ------- our concentration to alternative fuel source. 7. Syl B-2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box below. There are more words than necessary. lX10=10 like distress getting take ensure mutual treat seems make familiar developing communicate 8. As the world's communication is (a) — day by day the world seems to be (b)-----smaller. For the development of communication system, now we can easily (c) with the people of other countries within a moment. Now the world (d) to be a village and the countries seem to be families. If we develop our (e) understanding and co-operation, we can (f) — our world a better place. We should never (g) — others as enemies but friends. As a friend we should (h) — immediate help to other countries in their (i) — and sorrows we should( j) ------them to be our neighbours. 9. BB- 2011 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 clean made on important objects clothes. empty forces full currents under water The world is (a) — of uncountable natural and man (b)----- objects. Natural (c) ------ are stones, trees, air and (d) —. Man made objects are houses, cars (e)------- and chemicals. Natural (f)-----are cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes. storms and ocean (g) ----- Life exists different conditions. It is very (i) -----to keep the environment (j)----- . 10. DB2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : Ix10=10 help inactive others aversion hence anything claim ability charity indolent devoid dignity What is begging? Begging is the (a)----- of others. It does not give (b)---- good to the society. It is totally unproductive and (c)---- , it has no output. It does not develop a man's (d)--- or will to be self-reliant. It makes him (e)-----and habitually (f)— and dependent on others. It makes a man (g) —any sense of self-respect. Hence those who live by begging cannot (h) —for any dignity in the society because of their (i) ---to work. They only seek the charily of j)----- and become burden to the society. 11. Com B 2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : - IX10=10 efforts removing help assist aware thought literacy enlarge social increase illiteracy realise Inability to read and write is (a)---- . It hinders all development (b)-----of the government. The literacy rate of Bangladesh is still low. We have to (c)---- this rate for entire development of the country. A country's development cannot be (d)--- of keeping the large number of people (e)------ . Government alone cannot meet this challenge without the (f)---- of the literate community. It is the (g)------ responsibility of the literate people to (h)---- the government for the eradication. Of illiteracy. We must (i)----- that we cannot exist as a nation without (j)------ illiteracy from the society. 12. Raj B 2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary :—1XI0=10 mentally educated help genius useful s sympathetic provides improve knowledge develop self-reliant virtue Proper education (a)----- a learner with opportunity to (b)------- all his talents. Its aim is to (c)----- him physically and (d)----- so that he can be (e)----- to himself and to the society. An educated man is (f)------ but he can also assist others in attaining this great (g)----- He is supposed to be well mannered, kind and (h)------ So, a man who has acquired (i)----- and skill cannot be called a truly (j) -----man only for his material development. 13. JB 2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary :-- 1X10=10 evil very lives neglected proper regret real when been remember get about Our freedom fighters are the (a)----- heroes of our country. We should (b)----them as they sacrificed their (c)---- for the cause of motherland. It is a matter of great (d)---- that most of them are (e)---- and our young generation does not know their valiant struggle. Yet today many of the real freedom fighters have not (g)- --found out and established. Some of them lead a (h)----- poor life. The authority should take (i)---- step to enlist them and give them (j) ------honour. 14. BB 2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. IX10=10 travel age civilization regular sphere modern ancient difficult time greater possible constant We live in an (a)----- of science. We can see the influence of science in all (b) -----. Science is a (c) ------- companion of our daily life. We have made the impossible things (d) -----by means of science. The modern (e)------ is a contribution of science. At present we can easily (f) from one place to another. But in (g)----- time journey was (h) . Man has to spend a lot of (i)----- and money for travelling. But we should remember that science has to be explored for (j) ----welfare of mankind. 15. SB2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box below. There arc more words than necessary :— IX10=10 defend materialized so-called cherished noble pretender inspires inherent aloft fake fraud remember 16. Patriotism is a (a)---- virtue. It is an (b)---- instinct in human nature. It (c)---- a man to shed every drop of blood to (d)-----the liberty and dignity of the country.- But patriotism should not be merely a (e)---- slogan in the public meeting to (f)---- the people. It should be (g)---- in the core of heart and (h)---- in our deeds. We should keep ourselves above from the (i)------ patriotism. Everybody should bear in mind that a (j)---- must be defeated. Nobody will remember or honour a mock patriot. Ctg B-2010 17. Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : — IX10=10 epend unnaturally depression industries provide live plays damages overcome supplies decline know Ours is an agricultural. country. Hence most of the citizens of our country. directly or indirectly (a)--------on agriculture for their livelihood. Many important (b)----- of our country also depend on agricultural products. Agriculture (c)-------a vital role in our national economy. It (d)-------food stuff for both human and animal consumption. So people have to suffer a lot if there is any (e)----- in agricultural products. The sufferings o f the farmers and working class of people (f)------no bounds. The failure of crops causes a great economic (g)------in the country and prices of daily necessaries may go (h)------up. The floods and the subsequent (i) ------ of agricultural products are burning examples of it. We are lucky that our government has successfully j)------the problems. 18. DN B 2010 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. You can make grammatical changes if necessary : 1X10 = 10 livelihood causes took products depend brings agriculture on consumption beautiful supplies decline Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)------ .It is an (b)------ country. Most of the people of this country directly or indirectly (c)------- on agriculture for their (d)------ . Many important industries depend on agricultural (e) ------ 19. Agriculture (f) ------foodstuff for human and animal (g) --------- . Any (h) ------- in agricultural products (i) ------ economic depression in the country. Failure of crops (j)----- sufferings to the entire people. 20. DB-2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— IX10=10 prepare natural sphere hand use generously purpose resources fertile land rocky locality Nature has given her (a)- — — to us more (V—than many other countries of the world. Think about our (c)— - — — -, It is soft and (d)--- — -. Our farmers who have simple (e)- — - made tools can easily dig, plough and (0- — — the soil with them. Whereas lands of most other countries which are hard and (g) — — — cannot be easily dug, ploughed and prepared. We have a great (h)- — — — advantages too. We can (1) — -most of our lands for the j)— of agriculture and industry. 21. Com B 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right form of the word if needed. There are more words than necessary:— 1X10=10 little prevent remote causes irrigate behind easy recent river great verify close Crops need water. Farmers must (a) their fields if there is very (b) - rain at any time. But irrigation is not (c)---- if there is no river (d)------ to the crops. Canals can carry (e)— water to the field. Sometimes much water (f)—flood. A dam may (g)--------difficulties of irrigation. A (h)------- lake can be built (i)---- the dam . Dams are not j)------invention. 22. Raj 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— IX10=10 loses both continuous real competition matched progress loss enjoyment win matching result Without effort there can be no (a)---- in life. Life (b)----- its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull, if there is no (c) in them and if the (d) can be easily foreseen. No matter we (e) the, game or lose it.The keener the contest, the greater the (f)----- . A victory is not a (g)----- triumph unless (h) -------the sides are equally (i) ----- Whether, we like it or not, life is one (j) ---- competitive examination. 23. JB 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— IX10=10 made passed need least literate illiterate waste remove educate necessary education compulsory We must not (a)----- our energy and money any more. We (b) —to take steps to (c) -----our people. Emphasis should be given on primary (d) There should be at (e)-----one primary school in each and every village. We are happy that our govt. has (f) ------primary education (g)------ . A law has been (h)------- in the assembly. To (i) ------ illiteracy from the country, some more steps may be taken. The j)------ adults need to be educated. 24. Syl B 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— 1X10=10 visited purse premises had frequently has 25. collected exhibitions tempted making crowded displayed Of all the (a)---- , the book fairs are of recent origin. They are (b)------held in towns and cities now. Last year I (c)-------Ekusher Boi Mela in Bangla Academy (d)--------. There were a number of stalls and thousands of books were (e) It was a great opportunity of (f)------- a varied choice of books. So many book lovers (g)--------there, I was (h)------ to buy a lot of books but my (i)-------did not permit me. As a result, I bought a few books and j)----- a lot of Catalogues. 26. BB- 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— 1X10=10 light participation prosper basic darkness educate deprive discrimination removes population development bring No nation can (a)----- without education. Education (b)---- our ignorance and gives us (c)------- of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (d)----between man and i woman. Education is one of the (e)----human rights. If we (f)----- women of the right of education, almost half of our (g)------ will remain in (h)-----.No (i)------ can be possible without the j)-------of women. 27. Ctg 2009 Fill in each gap of the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary :— 1X10=10 light bring deprive participation removes run darkness educate discrimination development basic remain Education (a)-------our ignorance and gives us (b)---of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (c)-------between man and woman. Education is one of the (d) human rights. If we (e)------women of the right of education, almost half of our population will (f)-------in (g)------. No (h)------can be brought about without (i) of women. So government is doing everything to j)-------women folk. 28. DN B 2009 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— IX10=10 Possible time difficult spheres poor travel civilization ancient age greater all constant We live in an (a)------- of science. We can see the influence of science in all (b) ------ of life. Science is a (c) ----- companion of our daily life. We have made the impossible things (d) -----by means of science. The modern (e) is a contribution of science. At present we can easily (f) ------ from one place to another. But in (g) ------time journey was (h) ----- . Man had to spend a lot of (i)------- and money for travelling. But we should remember that science has to be exploited for the j)----- welfare of mankind. 29. DB-2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. lx 10=10 safely narrow menace invention life controlled daily lie violate happen increasing lives Road accidents are (a)----- occurrences in modern city life. Every year thousands of people lose their (b) ----and many more are injured. Before the (c) ------- of automobiles, people moved from one place to another slowly but (d) . The real causes of road accidents (e) ------with the people not with the transports. In some cities the roads are (f) ----- These can hardly cope with the (g)----- number of traffic. Besides, the traffic is not (h) ------- properly. The drivers often (i) ------ traffic rules. As road accidents become a great(j)----- immediate steps should be taken to stop the danger. 30. Com-2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 through work long blue ready inferior rational sacrifice high aware above same Man's dignity depends upon his words. Man is a (a) ----- being on the earth. He is to (b) --------for others. He should not be proud if he is of (c)------ blood. He should be (d)-------- to help any class of man. The man whom he is helping may be (e) ------- to him by birth. But after all, he is a man. He has the (f)------ blood and flesh a-s-the (g)---- mentioned man. So, he should (h)------- his own life for other's welfare. We cannot live (i) ---- on the earth. We must die once. But we can live j) --------- our works. 31. Raj 2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary:— 1X10=10 expected tries famous cruel study glorious institution public successful hard students result Every student expects a (a)------ result in the examination and for this he (b)------ heart and soul. There are many ways to have glorious (c)------- . Admission in the famous (d)------ is one of them. So most of the (e)----- dream for getting admission in a (f)------- institution. Most of the students start to study (g)--------- after their final examination to get admission into their (h)--------institutions. Some become (I)-------- and some become failure in their mission. The students who don't j)- ------ hard cannot succeed in this context. 32. JB 2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words in the box than necessary.IX10=10 light removes basic prosper run darkness bring participation remain educate deprive discrimination Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a)-------- without education. Education (b) our ignorance and gives us (c)------ of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (d) between men and women. Education is one of the (e) ------ human rights. If we (f)------- women of the right of education, almost half of the population will (g)--------- in (h)------- . No development can be brought about in our society without the (i) ------- of women. The government of Bangladesh is doing everything to j) ------ women folk. 33. SB 2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than ncccssary :— lX10=10 help illiterate assist efforts removing aware illiteracy enlarge exist thought literacy increase Inability to read and write is (a)-------- . It hinders all development (b) of the government. The literacy rate of Bangladesh is still low. We have to (c) this rate for entire development of the country. A country's development can not be (d)-------- of keeping the large number of people (e)------- . Government alone cannot meet this challenge with out the (f)------ of the literate community. It is the social responsibility of the literate people to (g) ------ the government for the eradication of illiteracy. We must realise that we cannot (h) --------as a nation without (i) ------illiteracy from the society. So we should be j) ------- of this great problem. 34. BB 2008 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 ever time tomorrow suffer who lost take enough call properly shine good Time and tide waits for none. No one can (a) -------- it back. A man gets back his (b) ------money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost for (c) ------- So we should make the (d) ------ use of time. We should do our duties (e) ------- .If we put off our work for (f) ---------, we may not get an opportunity to do it at all. There are some people (g)------- idle away time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They have to (h)------ for it. So we should (I)------ an oath that we must do our duty properly and in j) ------ . 35. CTG 2008 Fill in each cap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary :— IX10=10 through work long blue ready inferior dignity sacrifice high aware above same Man's (a) ------ depends on his work. Man is rational being. He is to (b) ------- for others. He should not be proud of his (c) -------blood. He should be (d) ------- to help anyone of any class. The man whom he is helping may be (e) ------ to him by birth. But after all he is a man. He has the (f)------- blood and flesh as the (g)------- kind of man. So, he should (h) -------his own life for others welfare. We cannot live (i) ------- on earth. We must die one day. We can live (j)------ our work. 36. DB2007 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 almost useful era without helps knowledge nations mutual necessity essential important becomes English is in International Language. As a result the (a)--------- of English has increased. Different countries have to keep (b)-------- communication among them. The (c)---------- of learning English is very great. Because it (d) us to develop a good relationship with other (e)--------- In this modern (f)-------- of communication it is not possible to advance (g)-------- it. English (h) ------- the language of the whole world. (i)-------- all books in Science and Technology have been written or translate into English. One can't think of higher studies without the j) ------- of English. 37. Com 2007 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the There are more words than necessary. IX10=10 thinking now instead again stood different following on along into up running The Pied Piper stepped into the street and began to play his pipe (a)------ . This time the music was (b)-------- . At the sound of the music all the children of Hamelin came (c)-------. The Mayor, the councilors and all the parents (d) -----dumb. The Piper walked (e) ------the streets and the children followed him. They were laughing and dancing. But (f) --------- the piper did not go towards the river. He walked towards the hill called Koppelburg (g)---------- . The parents felt relieved. (h)--------- that the piper would never be able to cross the hill. But as soon as the piper reached the hill, it opened (i) ------and he walked into it with the children j) ------ him. Then the hill closed and they were never seen again. 38. Raj 2007 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : IX10=10 light participation prosper basic darkness run deprive discrimination educate bring removes remain Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a)-------- without education.Education (b)-------- our ignorance and gives us (c)--------- of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (d)-------- between man and woman. Education is one of the (e) human rights. If we (f)---------- women of the right of education, almost half of our population will (g)------- in (h)-------- . No development can be brought about in our society without the (i) --------- of women. The Government of Bangladesh is doing everything to j) ----- women folk. 39. JB 2007 Fill in each gap using a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1 x 10 = 10 result necessity know control polluted purpose sound wise balance gone conscious interest low Ashraf, who is a student of class ten, has taken a (a)-------- step. He is very much (b) ------ to visit villages along with his friends. He came to know that the villagers are not (c) -----of environmental problems. They do not (d) ----------how to keep up the (e) ------- of the environment. The villagers have no (f) over the population growth also. As a (g)-------- our environment is being (h)-------- day by day. He wants to make people know about the (i)------- of clean environment. Really, his j) ---------is great. 40. Syl B 2007 Fill in the gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right form of the word if needed. 10 41. hold, visit, recent, collecting, crowd, old, enlarge, permit, ancient, has, spread, display Amongst all the exhibitions, the book fairs are of (a)-------- origin. They are frequently (b) - ---- in towns and cities now. Last year I (c)-------- Ekuser Boi Mela in Bangla Academy premises. There were a number of stalls and thousands of books were (d)-------- . It was a great opportunity of (e)-------- a varied choice of books. In the fair, books lovers (f) -------there. I was tempted to buy a lot of books but my purse didn't (g) ---- me. As a result, I bought a few books and (h)------- a lot of catalogues. However a book fair (i) --- the message that books are our best friends. Books j) ---- our vision and make our life meaningful. 42. Bb 2007 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 heat waves disaster another work problems polluted worse form wastes climate cleared noise One of the serious (a)--------- in today's world is pollution. The air of the cities is (b) ----- by fume and smoke from motor vehicles, mills and factories. The water of the seas and lakes is poisoned by industrial (c)----------- , chemicals and other dangerous substances. Forests on very wide areas everywhere in the world are being (d)-------- and burnt. All these have disastrous effect on agriculture, on food supplies and most important of all, on (e) ----- . Climate has been affected so much that there are often strong (f)-------- in many countries :,, Europe and in the U.S.A. Many scientists warn that the effects of pollution will bring a (g)-------- for mankind in future. Noise is another (h) ----- of pollution which many people are not taking seriously. We have (i) ------ coming from all around us. It is also equally harmful because it affects our hearing, our nerves, our ability to j)---------efficiently and our general health. 43. Ctg 2007 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. IX10=10 towards created unbearable tropics dark condition cyclone speed thunders occur flashes originates A cyclone may (a) --- anytime and at any place. The violent types of (b) ---- usually hit the (c) ---- . The cyclone of Bangladesh generally (d) ------ from the Bay of Bengal and blows (e)----- the land. It is often accompanied by (f) ---- and heavy showers. Before a cyclone commences, (g) --------heat is felt for a few days. Then suddenly one day the sky becomes terribly (h)-------- with clouds and strong winds begin to blow with (i)------- of lighting and the rumbling of thunders. Thus a terrible situation is j) ------ 44. Db 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 1X10=10 Stretch bitting country extent scarcity migrate swampy enhance actually ecological wondering In winter we see innumerable birds come to our (a) ---- . These birds are called "Guest birds". (b) these birds come to our country in winter from Siberia. When the (c) ------cold, in Siberia reaches beyond the limit, the guest birds (d) ----- to our land. They come not only because of bitting (e)---------. but also for want of food. The most (f)--------- fact about these birds is that they fly thousands of miles at a (g)------- . They (h) ------ our natural beauty and help to maintain (i)--------- balance by eating up worms and insects. But nowadays the migratory birds don't come to our country because of the(j)----- of water land and cruelty of hunters. 45. Com 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary: 1X10=10 technology wonder totalling specta cular each I designed surrounded could called modern famous largest The Sangsad Bhaban at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is a (a)-------- of modern architecture and (b)------ . It is one of the (c)-------- and most (d) ------ parliament buildings in the world. it was (e) ----- by the famous architect Louis I Kahn. This 155 feet high nine storeyed building is (f)-------- by an artificial lake (g)------ , the Crescent Lake. The structure has 1605 doors, 335 windows, 365 ventilators and corridors (h)----- to bewildering length of 41.6 kilometer. The house has 354 seats for MPs, 56 for guests, 40 for journalists and 430 for spectators. It has three party rooms in (i)------ of which can take seat 153 people. The whole place is air-conditioned and includes all j) --------amenities. 46. JB 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. Use the right form of the word if needed. You can use a word more than once. IX10=10 service remove separate society education live human Students should not (a)---------themselves from (b) ------- .They can (c) ------- the society in many ways. Their (d)----- is of great importance to society. During vacation they should go to their native village. They can (e)----- the illiterate villagers. During a flood they can (f)--------- the sufferings of the flood affected people by raising funds. As they live in (g)------- . They are (h)-------- beings. So they are not (i)------ from society. They can play an important role by j) ------ the illiteracy from the country. 47. Raj 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : IX10=10 educate waste least need made illiterate passed remove education necessary literate compulsory We must not (a)------our energy and money any more. We (b)-------- to take steps to (c) ------- our people. Emphasis should be given on primary (d)------- . There should be at (e)-------- one primary school in each and every village. We are happy that our govt.has (f)--------- primary education (g) ----- . A law has been (h)----- in the assembly. To (i) ------- illiteracy from the country, some more steps may be taken. The j) ------- adults need to be educated. 48. CTG 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : 10 about lives neglected evil proper real right been very remember bright regret Our freedom fighters are the (a)------- heroes of our country. We should (b)------- them as they sacrificed their (c) -----for the cause of our motherland. It is a matter. of great (d)------- that most of them are (e)------ and our young generation does not know (f)------- their valiant struggle. Yet today many of the real freedom fighters have not (g) found out and established. Some of them lead (h)------ poor life. The authority in power should take (i) ------ step to enlist them and give them j) ----- honour. 49. Syl 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary : 10 sediment habitat I forest land repair floods effect insecurity damageprotection causes deforestation cut The most common causes of (a) ------ are cutting and burning the (b)------ Though the forest lands are (c) and burnt for the sake of agriculture and (d) -----, ithas a negative (e) ------on environment. The removal of trees (f)------ the birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious (g)------- to the soil, as trees give (h)------- to soil as well. In the end, the soil gets (i)------ in the river bed and causes frequent j) ----- . 50. BB 2006 Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. IX10=10 also eager overloaded sitting puller reached happened whom exactly opposite chatting as (a) ----- I was sitting at the front seat of the bus, I saw (b)----- what (c) ------. A rickshaw van (d)------ with goods was coming from the (e)------- direction, the poor (f) ------ was an old man. (g)------ , there was another person (h) ----- at the back of the van with (i) -----the puller was (j) ----- . With clues 4.0 Answers 1. DB 2011 (a)cut; (b) turn; (c) habitat; (d) live; (e) destroyed; (f) rain; (g) crisis; (h) rise; (i) effect; (j)unsuitable. 2. RB 2011 (a) beautiful; (b) agricultural; (c) depend; (d) livelihood; (e) products; (f) supplies; (g)consumption; (h) decline; (i) causes/brings; j) brings/causes. 3. Din B 2011 a) thirst; (b) satisfied; (c) known; (d) see; (e) curiosity; (fl bold; (g) inspired; (h) dangerous; i) technology; j) inconceivable. 4. JB 2011 a) essential; (b) physically; (c) struggles, (d) fitness; (e) helps; (f) enables; (g) excellent: h) free; (i) fills; (j)take. 5. Com B 2011 a) dignity; (b) work; (c) blue; (d) ready; (e) inferior; (0 same; (g) above; (h) sacrifice; i) long; (j)through. 6. Ctg B 2011 a) necessity; (b) dependent; (c) improved; (d) demand; (e) production; (f) risen; g) around; (h) sustained; (i) circumstances; j) shift 7. SB 2011 (a) developing; (b) getting; (c) communicate; (d) seems; (e) mutual; (f) make; (g) treat/take; (h) ensure; (i) distress; j) take/treat. 8. BB 2011 (a) full; (b) made; (c) objects; (d) water; (e) clothes; (f) forces; (g) currents; (h) on; (i) important; (j)clean. 9. DB 2010 (a) help (b) anything (c) charity (d) ability (e) inactive (f) indolent (g_) devoid (h) claim (i) aversion) others 10. Com 2010 (a) illiteracy (b) efforts (c) increase (d) thought (e) illiterate (f) help (g) social (h) assist (i) realise (j) removing 11. Raj 2010 (a) provides (b) develop (c) improve (d) mentally (e) useful (t) self-reliant (g) virtue (h) sympathetic (i) knowledge (j) educated 12. JB 2010 (a) real (b) remember (c) lives (d) regret (e) neglected (0 about (g) been (h) very (i) proper U) proper 13. BB 2010 (a) age (b) sphere (c) constant (d) possible (e) civilization (f) travel (g) ancient (h) difficult (i) time 0) greater 14. SB 2010 (a) noble (b) inherent (c) inspires (d) defend (e) fake (f) fraud (g) cherished (h) materialized (i) so-called (j) pretender 15. Ctg 2010 (a) depend (b) industries (c) plays (d) supplies (e) decline (f) know (g) depression (h) unnaturally (i) damages j) overcome . 16. Din 2010 (a) beautiful (b) agriculture (c) depend (d) livelihood (e) products (f) supplies (g) consumption (h) decline (i) causes 0) brings 17. DB 2009 (a) resources (b) generously (c) land (d) fertile (e) hand (f) prepare (g) rocky (h)natural (i) use 0) purpose 18. com B2009 (a) irrigate (b) little (c) easy (d) close (e) river (0 causes (g) prevent (h) great (i) behind j) recent 19. Raj 2009 (a) progress (b) loses (c) competition (d) result (e) win (f) enjoyment (g) real (h) both (i) matched 0) cntinuous 20. Jb 2009 (a) waste (b) need (c) educate (d) education (e) least (0 made (g) compulsory (h) passed (i) remove 0) illiterate 21. SB 2009 (a) exhibitions (b) frequently (c) visited (d) presmises (e) displayed (f) making (g) crowded (h) tempted (i) purse 0) collected 22. BB 2009 (a) prosper (b) dispels (c) light (d) difference / disparity (e) basic /fundamental (f) deprive (g) population (h) darkness (i) development 0) education/ enlightenment 23. Ctg B2009 (a) removes (b) light (c) discrimination (d) basic (e) deprive (f) remain (g) darkness h) development (i) participation 0) educate 24. Din B 2009 (a) age (b) spheres (c) constant (d) possible (e) civilization (f) travel (g) ancient (h) difficult (i) time j) greater 25. DB 2008 (a) daily (b) lives (c) invention (d) safely (e) lie (i) narrow (g) increasing (h) controlled (i) violate 0) menace 26. Com B 2008 (a) rational (b) sacrifice (c) blue (d) -ready (e) inferior (f) same (g) above (h) sacrifice (i) long 0) through 27. Raj B 2008 (a) glorious (b) studies (c) result (d) institution (e) students (0 famous (g) hard (h) expected (i) successful 0) try 28. Jb 2008 (a) prosper (b) removes (c) light (d) discrimination (e) basic. (fl deprive (g) remain (h) darkness (i) participation (j) educate 29. SB 2008 (a) illiteracy (b) efforts (c) increase (d) thought (e) illiterate (f) help (g) assist (h) exist (I) removing 0) aware 30. BB 2008 (a) call (b) lost (c) ever (d) best/good (e) properly (0 tomorrow (g) who (h) suffer (i) take 0) time 31. Ctg b 2008 (a) dignity (b) work (c) blue (d) ready (e) inferior (f) same (g) high (h) sacrifice (i) long (j) through 32. Db 2007 (a) importance (b) mutual (c) necessity (d) helps (e) nations (1) era (g) without (h) has become (i) almost 0) knowledge 33. Com 2007 (a) again (b) different erelit (c) running (d) stood (e) along (I) now (g) instead (h) thinking (i) up (j) following 34. Raj 2007 (a) prosper (b) removes (c) light (d) discrimination (e) basic (1) deprive (g) remain (h) darkness (i) participation (j) educate 35. JB 2007 (a) wise (b) interested (c) conscious (d) know (e) balance (0 control (g) result (h) polluted (i) necessity 0) purpose 36. SB 2007 (a) recent (b) held (c) visited (d) displayed (01 collecting (f) crowded (g) permit (h) collected (i) spreads 0) enlarge 37. BB 2007 (a) problems (b) polluted (c) wastes (d) cleared (e) climate (f) heat waves (g) disaster (h) form (I) noise j) work 38. CTG 2007 (a) occur (b) cyclone (c) tropics (d) originates (e) towards (I) thunder (g) unbearable, (h) dark (i) flashes U) created 39. DB 2006 (a) country (b) actually (c) bitting (d) migrate (e) cold (f) wondering (g) stretch (h) Aenhance (i) ecological 0) scarcity 40. CB 2006 (a) wonder (b) technology (c) largest (d) spectacular (e) designed (f) surrounded (g) called (h) totalling (i) each 0) modern 41. Raj 2006 (a) separte (b) society (c) serve (d) service (e) educate (f) remove (g) society (h) human (i) separate 0) removing 42. JB 2006 (a) waste (b) need (c) literate (d) education (e) least (f) made (g) compulsory (h) passed (i) remove 0) illiterate 43. SB 2006 (a) bright (b) remember (c) lives (d) regret (e) neglected (f) about (g) been (h) very (i) proper 0) real 44. BB 2006 (a) deforestation (b) forest land (c) cut (d) habitat (e) effect (1) causes (g) damage (h) protection (i) sediment 0) floods 45. CTg 2006 (a) as (b) exactly (c) happened (d) overloaded (e) opposite (1) puller (g) also (h) sitting (i) whom 0) chatting Gap Filling with Clues W orksheet-5.0 Dinajpur Board-2014 happen furious die live execuition know wit declare unpleasant wretch spoil possible Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) __________ his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) __________ to stop at his capital on his way to bombay. The king called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told his something (c) _______. At this the king got (d) _______ and condemned him to (e) ________ saying. “ Men like you live?” With ready (h) __________ the astrologer said, “The stars (i) ________ that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye.” Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, “Drive this (j) _________ away, let him not come here again.” Dhaka Board-2013 lock join spread violate wound take term injure kill enforce martyr consider Shahed Doctor Shamsuzzhoa is (a) __________ to be the first intellectual who attained (b) ________ during the pre-liberation period of Bangladesh.. Following the (c) ________ of sergent Zohurul Hoque in prison by the autocratic Ayub Khan government, a flame of protest (d) _________ throughout erstwhile East pakistan. On February 17, 1969 section 144 was (e) _________ on Rajshahi city. The student of Rajshahi university who had (f) __________ the protest, took out a procession in (g) _________ of Section 144 and were (h) ___________ in a clash with police in front of the residence of the principal of Rajshahi Medical college. As a result, several students were (i) __________. On hearing this, Doctor Zoha, a professor of chemistry and proctor of the University, rushed to the spot and took the (j) _________ students to hospital. Comilla Board- 2013 manking endanger be save concern mean protection destory species perish spoil change All Species are important for maintaining ecological balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment gets (a) ______. We should (b) ________ our wildlife to protect the environment from being (c) ______. Many countries are not taking action to protect theirf (d) _______ wildlife. Manking must developy a (e) _______ for wild creatures and must ensure that they will not (f) ___________ (g) _________ wild creatures means destroying ourselves. It is high time we (h) ________ them. Love for animals (i) ________ love for (j) ___________. Rajshahi Board-2013 fundamentally atmosphere deplete fall accumulate eventual endanger give inundate primary grow coal Scientists have recently reported that the poplar ice caps are melting. This is due to a rise in (a) __________ temperatures known as the ‘Greenhouse Effect’ Carbonioxide is (b) _________ responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere. The carbonioxide is (c) ______ off when coal and oil are burnt. This gas is (d) _______ in the air and the ice caps in the north and south poles are melting. This may (e) ________ lead to a rise in the sea levels which could (f) _________ many areas of the globe. The “Greenhouse Effect” is just one of many (g) ________ changes which are taking place in the environment. Tropical rain forests , which took fifty million years (h) _________ are being (i) ______ at the rate of fourteen acres per minute. The total area of the world’s deserts is increasing every year. Many species of animals and plants are (j) __________ with the threat of extinction. Jessore Board – 2013 activate general face freely water remain be troublesome because which log drainage intensify part We (a) _________ fall into jam on the roads and streets. Sometimes, specially in rainy season water (b) _______ stagnant on the road even for 2/3 days, (c) ________ causes a serious traffic jam. Water remains (d) ________ the road from 1 to 1.5 feet. The rain gets (e) _________ with dust, mud etc. Most of the time the (f) ________ system is not active and it becomes (g) __________ for the passerby. The pedestrians (h) ________ a lot of problems as they can’t move (i) ________. The drainage system should be (j) ________ and city authorities should be careful in this respect. Barisal Board- 2013 aware use usual develop mother spontaneous acquisition ability fact acquire learning natural competent communication Communicative competence refers to the (a) ______ to use language appropriately in various circumstances. There are two ways of (b) _________ communicative competence in a language. The first is (c) _______Which is similar to the way people develop ability in their (d) _________ tongue. They are aware only of the (e) _________ that they are (f) _________ the language for (g) ___________ . It is a (h) ________, subconscious process in which users not (i) _________ of acquiring a language. In non-technical terms, acquisition is picking up a language (j) ____________. Sylhet Board- 2013 caprice leisure neglect street scrutiny credit want opinion employment reject friends money Literally and truly, one cannot get on well in the world without (a) _______. To be in (b) _________ of it, is to pass through life with little (c) _________ or pleasure; it is to be despised; it is consulted or else (f) _______ with contempt, it is to be (g) ________ by strangers and neglected by (h) _________, it is to forego (i) _______, freedom, ease of body and mind, to be dependent on the good will and (j) ________ of others. Chittagong Board- 2013 even distance watch information become source run show enjoy vary see numerous Television has (a) ________the most common and widespread (b) _______ of entertainment of the present world. A wide range of programmers of (c) _________ interest is telecast on (d) ________channels. Almost every middle class and (e) _________ working class families have a educative. For example, television is used for (g) ________ learning. Courses (h) _______ by the open university are (i) _______ on BTV. Several channels like the discovery and the National Geographic channels telecast highly (j) ________ programmers. Dinajpur Board- 2013 enter expansion tremendously universities awards contribute much course traditional students rewards subscribe high Higher education in Britain has experienced a dramatic (a) _______ . One in three young people not (b) _________ higher education compared to one in six in 1989. The number of graduates also has increased (c) _______. There are some (d) ________ in Britain which offer (e) __________ in a wide range of subjects including (f) ___________ arts subjects as well covering tuition fees and a maintenance grant. Parents also (i) ________ the amount depending on their income. The overseas students have to pay very (j) _______ tuition fees. Dhaka Board- 2012 even distance watch information become source run show enjoy vary see numerous Television has (a) ________the most common and widespread (b) _______ of entertainment of the present world. A wide range of programmers of (c) _________ interest is telecast on (d) ________channels. Almost every middle class and (e) _________ working class families have a educative. For example, television is used for (g) ________ learning. Courses (h) _______ by the open university are (i) _______ on BTV. Several channels like the discovery and the National Geographic channels telecast highly (j) ________ programmers. Comilla Board- 2012 enable educated choice importance healthy food develop protect need education know ability Education is one of the basic (a) _________ of a human being. It is (b) ________ for the (c) _________of mind. many illiterate people do not have any (d) _________ of health. If they were (e) __________, they could live a (f) __________ and planned life. (g) ________ teaches us how to live well. It (h) _________ us to make the right (i) ______ in life. It enhances our (j) _________ to face our every day problems. Rajshahi Board- 2012 bring need spend give include fail go organize boost close development proper If all the children in Bangladesh (a) _________ to school, the country would get of the curse of illiteracy. To (b) ________ up education, the government, should spend more money. Subsidies must be (c) ________ in the education sector. Teachers are (d) _______ to be trained for good teaching. The poor students can (e) _______ under ‘Food for Education’ program. We should take care that no institution is (f) ________ down due to political clashes. More co-curricular activities are to be (g) ________ to enable students to (h) their non-academic skills-like debate, creative thinking and (i) _______ events etc. It is our social responsibility to educate our children and the (j) _________ of which will lead to catastrophe. Jessore Board- 2012 variety item communication require communicative tradition four foreign purpose international base imply speaks skill English is called an (a) ________ language. In almost all countries, there are people who can (b) _______ English. No other language than English serves the (c) ________ of a common language through which people can (d) _______ with one another across the national border. We should learn English for a great (e) ________ of purpose. English is a skill (f) ________ subject. We should therefore learn the (g) ________ skills of listening, reading and writing. The communicative approach to learning English does not (h) ________ one to know or learn definitions of grammar (i) ________. Traditional grammar has little or no place in learning English through the (j) _______ approach. Sylhet Board- 2012 read use tips see dots print although touch develop bear way call (a) _________ blind people cannot (b) _______, their sense of (c) _______ becomes far more (d) ______ than that of most sighted people. This ability was put to use by a brilliant man (e) _______ Louis Braille. In the early 19th century, he invented a (f) ______ of writing which (g) ______his name. The Braille system reproduces the letters of the alphabet by a series of (h) ______ in certain positions, which are raised on the paper. The blind person runs the (i) ________ of his fingers across the pages of the braille book and can work out the letters and numbers (j) ______________ there. Barisal Board- 2012 Spend commit when unberable nature earn gender world depend suicide married very cost because It is very (a) _______ that man loves his life most of all things and he wants to live or survive a bit longer at any (b) _____. However, every year thousands of people (c) ________ suicide in Bangladesh. It is seen that most of the people commuting suicide are those (d) ______ women who (e) _________ on their husbands for thir living. But why do they commit suicide when people love their lives most? Most probably, they decide to kill them-selves (f) _______ they feel entirely helpless and meaningless to live. The bitterness and sufferings of life become totally (g) ________. However, the incident of suicide among the self- reliant women is (h) _________ rare. So, can’t we say that the unfortunate women would not have committed (i) __________ if they had been self-reliant and had an independent way of (j) ________ their livelihood without being dependent on their husbands? Chittagong Board- 2012 drink eat nutrition satisfy happen lack need heart knowledge preserve mind for While (a) ___________ food we should bear in (b) ________ that we don’t eat just to (c) ___________ hunger or to fill the belly. We eat (d) ________ our health. For good health a man (e) ________ good food. Sometimes it so (f) ________ that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health because they have no (g) ________ health and (h) _________. They do not know how to select a (i) _______ diet from the many foods that are (j) _________ to them. Dinajpur Board- 2012 drink eat available nutrition satisfy happen lack need heart balanced knowledge mind for While (a) ___________ food we should bear in (b) ________ that we don’t eat just to (c) ___________ hunger or to fill the belly. We eat (d) ________ our health. For good health a man (e) ________ good food. Sometimes it so (f) ________ that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health because they have no (g) ________ health and (h) _________. They do not know how to select a (i) _______ diet from the many foods that are (j) _________ to them. Dhaka Board- 2011 spelling language alphabetic find syllable neglect noun life synonyms picture friends antonyms Dictionaries are very important books in the (a) ________ of a people. A dictionary lists the words in a language (b) _______, so that the reader may (c) _________ them easily. A dictionary entry gives us the accepted (d) _______ of a word, its division into (e) ________, its pronunciation, its origins, and its meanings. Sometimes a dictionary also provides (f) ________ or opposites of a word. In addition, if the word is a (g) ______ that describes a visible thing, the dictionary may provide a (h) ______ of it. Dictionaries of the past, present and future can become your teachers and good (i) ______. Don’t (j) _______ them. Comilla Board- 2011 waste community sphere women family returns educate develop children walfare mother sector Education for girls is essential for the development in all (a) ______ of the society. So, investments in the education of (b) _____ will bring in greater (c) _______ in the field of economic and social (d) _______. Educated (f) ______ are more likely to send their (g) ______ to school and look after their health and nutrition. Thus (h) _____ women can contribute to the (i) ______ development. On the other hand, failure to educate women is a tremendous (j) _______ of human resource. Rajshahi Board- 2011 joyous food become remain gift favorite eager want flood invite festive elders Children are very fond of festivals. They become very (a) ______ on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys become over (b) ______. They become very (c) ______ to have wishes from their beloved persons. The whole day they (d) _______ to spend times in joy. Usually a child on its birthday, gets up early and tries to (e) ______ close to their parents. It (f) _____ a nice day, if it is presented anything very (g) ______ to it. Children also want to have their friends (h) _____ to their house on a festival. They expect to have a party. Their joys give plesure to their (i) ______. We should try to keep the children always in a (j) ______ mind. Jessore Board- 2011 Identity pioneer leader man than went combining student remember now know then design concept Hamidur Rahman was the (a) _____ who gave shape to the (b) ______ and design of the shaheed minar, by (c) ______ all the aspiration of bengali (d) ______ and nationalism. He was the first art (e) ______ of Bangladesh who in the 1950s (f) _______ to europe and studied at “Ecole de Beaux Art” in paris. He was the (g) ______ of the new painting movement in the (h) ______ Pakistan. But he is most (i) ________ for his remarkable (j) _________ of the Central Shaheed Minar. Sylhet Board- 2011 wake obtain expression go till be moment integral perceive what by use Language (a) _________ an important medium of expression of though, feelings, ideas etc. We use it from the (b) _________ we wake up in the morning (c) ________ we go to bed at night. We use language not only during our (d) ________ hours but also in our dreams. We use language to (e) ________ what we feel and to say (f) _______ we like or dislike. We also use it to (g) _______ information. In short, language is an (h) ________ part of what we do, (i) ________ and believe. We must avoid (j) ________ bad language. Barisal Board- 2011 appear use at afflict differ city alarm due pollute severe increase from suffer rural Many diseases are rising (a) ________ an (b) _______ rate, which experts believe is (c) ________ to increased (d) ________ of the environment. Pollution (e) ______ to be greater in urban areas although rural societies too are (f) _______ by (g) _______ use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Nevertheless, today city people (h) ________ to suffer from many more diseases and suffer more (i) _______ than country people. Now let us see how life in cities is (j) ________ from that in the country. Chittagong Board- 2011 warmer flood change climate catastrophic severely alarm gradual rise evidence destroy unnecessary prediction increase The world is getting (a) _______because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die (b) _______ as a result of pollution. In recent years, there have been many (c) _____ reports that the world’s (d) _________ is undergoing a significant (e) __________. All these reports provide strong (f) _______ that world temperatures are dy by day. Climatologists (h) ________ that mid way through the next century temperature may have (i) _________ as much as 4 dgree centigrae. This could raise sea levels and thereby (j) __________ coastal areas and farmlands. Dinajpur Board- 2011 arrive massive remain spectacular round permanent know present right symbol office construction In 1884 France (a) ________ the United states with gift as a dramatic gesture of friendship. This (b) _______ gift was in the form of a huge copper statue. Its (c) ______ name is “Liberty Enlightening the world”. Most people, however, (d) ________ it simply as the statue of liberty. The pieces of the statue (e) _______ in the united states in 214 cases. The French people donated the money for the (f) _____ of the statue. Grateful, the people of the United states collected the funds for the (g) _______ granite and concrete pedestal. This impressive monument found a (h) ______ home on liberty island in New York harbour. At 151 feet and 1 inch high, it (i) ______ one of the largest statues in the world. The monumental lady with the torch quickly became a (j) _______ of American democracy. Dhaka Board- 2010 employ impact plan rural reduce importance lend international growth emphasize poor raise Micro-credit institutions have a great (a) ________ in Bangladesh. Grameen Bank is one oth them which has (b) _______ recognition. It (c) ________ money to the poor especially the (d) ________ women. It (e) ___________ the need to develop skills and (f) _________ consciousness among them. It creates (g) _________ opportunity for rural women. This institution has a positive (h) _________ on their economic-variables and family (i) __________. It also helps to (j) _____________ their poverty. Comilla Board- 2010 happen furious die spoil live execution knowing wit pleasant declare wretch unpleasant expire cause Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) _______ his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) _______ to stop at his capital on his way to benaras. The king called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c) _________. At this the king got (d) ________ and condemned him to (e) _________saying, “Men like you should not live to (f) _______ the peace of the world”. But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g) ________. “How long will you live?” asked the king. With ready (h) ______ the astrologer said, “ The stars (i) _______ that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye.” Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, “Drive this (j) _________ away, let him not come here again.” Rajshahi Board- 2010 resources potential create for achievement likely fail have returns from among success Investment in education (a) ___________ girls increases the economic and social (b) __________ of development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c) __________ wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated women have a higher income (d) _______than those who have (e) ________ no schooling. Educated mothers are more (f) _______to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to realise that (g) _______ in girls education generally results (h) _______ an integrated approach to community development. Thus (i) ______ to educate girls results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) __________. Jessore Board- 2010 traditional only no strategy development run conquer not widespread in privilege alone In ancient times, education was (a) ________ for the general people but a (b) ________ for the chosen few who took on (c) __________ roles in the (d) _________ of the state and in religion. (e) _________ Greece, education became more (f) _________ in about the 5th century BC. The greeks, however, sent (g) _______ their male children to school. When rome was (h) _______ by the Greeks, the Romans under Greek influence (i) ______ a strong (j) _______ of literacy. Sylhet Board- 2010 enables educated choice importance healthy know develop protect need education food ability Education is one of the basic (a) _________ of a human being. It is (b) _________ for the (c) __________ of mind. Many illiterate people do not have any (d) __________ of health. If they were (e) __________ they could live a (f) _________ and planned life. (g) ____________ teaches us how to live well. It (h) __________ us to make the right (i) ___________ in life. It enhances our (j) ___________ to face our every day problems. Barisal Board- 2010 happen furious die spoil live execution knowing wit pleasant declare wretch unpleasant expire cause Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) _______ his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) _______ to stop at his capital on his way to benaras. The king called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c) _________. At this the king got (d) ________ and condemned him to (e) _________saying, “Men like you should not live to (f) _______ the peace of the world”. But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g) ________. “How long will you live?” asked the king. With ready (h) ______ the astrologer said, “ The stars (i) _______ that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye.” Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, “Drive this (j) _________ away, let him not come here again.” Chittagong Board- 2010 solve ensure in vain address work must alays paramount originate uplifiment balance harass call never (a) _____________ illiteracy problem is the (b) __________ task of the hour. We must educate all of our people (c) __________ our balanced development; otherwise all of our development plans must go (d) _________. If we can educate our people, half of our problems will be automatically (e) _______. That’s why, education is (f) ______ the nerve of development. All strength and power to (g) _______ the development of the country (h) ______ from education. So, we (i) ______ give topmost priority on education sector if we really want the (j) ______ of our dear motherland. Dinajpur Board- 2010 add breathe need plant prevent preserve produce protect provide take give wash Trees are very useful to human beings. They (a) ________ the rich top soil from being (b) _________away by rain, water and floods. You can see trees being (c) ______ along mountain slopes, on roadsides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) _______ life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) ______ shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines, paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f) ________ in carbon dioxide and (g) _______ oxygen. As you know, by now man (h) _______oxygen to (i) ______ and live. Trees are ouur best friends. We should (j) _________ them and plant more trees around us. Dhaka Board- 2009 resources potential create for among likely fail have returns achievement success from Investment in education (a) _________ girls increases the economic and social (b) _________ of development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c) _________wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated women have a higher income (d) _________ than those who have (e) ______ no schooling. educated mothers are more (f) ______ to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to realise that (g) ______ in girl’s education generally results (h) ______ an integrated approach to community development. Thus (i) _________ to educate girls results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) ___________. Comilla Board- 2009 growth wife income cost day to day okay intend astonish share expensive ability pretty rented Hellow, my name is Charles karoro and I am a banker. My salary is (a) ___________ but the (b) __________ expenses in Nairobi are (c) ______ high. Both housing and food are (d) _________ in the capital. I have (e) ________ an apartment but it is really too small for my family. Of course it doesn’t have a garden. So my (f) ______ Maria, who loves gardening, can’t (g) _________ anything. She can’t go out to work either because there’s no one else in the house to look after the children. So the whole family depends on my (h) _______ alone. I have great hopes for my children and would like to send them to a good school. But good schools are very (i) ________. I am not sure how much I will be able to help them. Moreover, I am often in a fix about whether I should (j) ________ my income with my brother in the village. Rajshahi Board- 2010 happen furious die spoil live execution knowing wit pleasant declare wretch unpleasant expire cause Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) _______ his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) _______ to stop at his capital on his way to benaras. The king called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c) _________. At this the king got (d) ________ and condemned him to (e) _________saying, “Men like you should not live to (f) _______ the peace of the world”. But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g) ________. “How long will you live?” asked the king. With ready (h) ______ the astrologer said, “ The stars (i) _______ that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye.” Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, “Drive this (j) _________ away, let him not come here again.” Jessore Board- 2009 survive surroundings look escape method leaf protect from different move colour fly Animals must be able to (a) __________ themselves from enemies in order to (b) _______. Different animals have (c) _______ ways. Some animals have protective colouring that is their (d) _______changes to match their (e) ______. The common tree toad changes (f) _______ gray to green when it (g) ______ from the trunk of a tree to a green (h) ______. Similarly the dead-leaf butterfly (i) _______ being seen by its enemies because it (j) _______ like a dry leaf. Barisal Board- 2009 with improve not mean maintain upon stop take easily than keep depend raise avoid Overeating (a) ______ taking too much food (b) ______ one needs. We eat (c) ______ to overload out stomach but to (d) ______ a sound health. A sound health (e) _____ on eating habit to some extent. Overeating tells (f) _______ our health. By (g) _______ awareness of the people the habit of overeating can be (h) _______. With a view to (j) ________ our body fit, we should (j) ______ taking too much food. Sylhet Board - 2009 joyful eager remain want gift flood invite amity elder favourite festive delightful shy Children are very fond of festivals. They become very (a) _______ on a day of festival. If it is there birthday, their joys become over (b) ________. They become very (c) _____ to have wishes from their beloved persons. Whole day they (d) _______ to spend times in joys. Usuallly a child on her birthday gets up early and tries to (e) _______ close to her presents. It becomes a (f) ________ day, if she is presented anything very (g) _______ to her. Children also want to have their friends (h) ________ to their house on a festival. They expect to have a party. Their joys give pleasure to their (i) ______. We should try to keep the children always in a (j) ________ mind. Chittagong Board- 2009 carry provide get essential adopt define needs yardstick shelter enhance protect aware perform Education is one of the basic (a) _______ of a human being and is (b) ______ for every kind of development. It (c) ________ us to make right choices in life. It (d) ______ our ability to raise crops, store food, (e) _____ the environment and (f) _______ out our social responsibilities. It (g) ________ us with an enlightened (h) _______ about things, But education has to be (i) ______. It is not merely (j) ______ degrees from schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting, more humane. Dinajpur Board- 2009 attitude amply predetermined ordered ordained sorrows out look belief undergo hold fate poor There are many people in our country who have a conservative (a) _____. Quite early in life they learn to (b) ______ that everything in this world was (c) _____. They think all that happens to there was (d) ______ by god. From this belief the poor generally accept their (e) ______. They also (g) _______ a firm belief that those who (h) ______ sufferings in this world will be (i) _______ rewarded in the next world. They also have the same sort of (j) _________ towards illness and disease. Dhaka Board- 2009 friendly beautiful show pace getting on library charming easy probably impression simply residence difference It seems hard to believe that I’ve been in Savar for a whole month now! I promised to write and tell you how I was (a) _____. So here goes. When I first got here I just couldn’t get used to the (b) ______ of life. Now, though, I am learning to take things (c) _______ I am beginning to feel at home. You can’t imagine how (d) _______ the university campus is. Its very large very green and (e) _________ the best campus in the country. It’s _______ (f) _________ wonderful. My first (g) _______ of the students and teachers here is that they are really (h) ______ and helpful. And the (i) ______ is wonderful. As you know, I am staying in a hall of (j) ______ but life here is so different particularly if you are used to home comfort. Comilla Board- 2009 device trained about perform essential great abacus fairly large special recent sense refers called The computer is a fairly (a) ________ invention. It has now become an (b) ______ part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) _______ revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) ______ that helps people perform mathematical calculation may be (e) ________ a computer (g) ________ to special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process (h) _______ masses of information at a (i) ______________ speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j) ________ mathematicians would need years to complete. Gap Filling With Clues Worksheet-5.1 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box recent trained fairly essential abacus computer device process about modern perform machine sense specially The computer is a (a) - recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) - life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) - revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) - that helps people (e) - mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f) - is a simple computer. Today, however, the term (g)- refers to special kind of electronic (h) - that can perform mathematical calculations and (i) - large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)-mathematicians would need years to complete. 2. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Growth Wife Income cost Ability rented Day to day Okey Intend Astonish Expensive Share pretty Hello, my name is Charles Kararo and I am a banker. My salary is (a)--- but the (b)—expenses in Nairobi are (c)—high. Both housing and food are (d)---- in the capital. I have an apartment but it is really too small for my family. Of course it doesn’t have a garden. So my (f)—Maria, who loves gardening, can't go out to work either because there's no one else in the house to look after the children. So the whole family depends on my (h)- alone. I have great hopes for my children and would like to send them to a good school. But good schools are very (i)--- I am not sure how much I will be able to help them. Moreover. I am often in a fix about whether I should (j)-- my income with my brothers in the village. 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Happen Furious Die Spoil Live Excution Unpleasant Knowing Wit Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause expire Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the astrologer told him something (c) . At this the king got (d)---- and condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)----away, let him not come here again." 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box recent trained fairly essential abacus computer device process about modern perform machine sense specialy process The computer is a (a) - recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) - life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) - revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) - that helps people (e) - mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f) - is a simple computer. Today, however, the term (g)- refers to special kind of electronic (h) - that can perform mathematical calculations and (i) - large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)-mathematicians would need years to complete. 5. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Warming Cut Rise Anticipation Habitats Particularly Provide Increase Exticntion Recklessly Severe Imperative Catastrophe alarming The destruction of forests and other (a) causing the (b)—of varous plants and animals. In the last 25 years alone the world has lost one third of its natural wealth. Forests are being (c)—down. Moreover, they are being burnt (d)—resulting in an (e)--- in carbon dioxide and ultimately the water level is (f)—as a consequence of global (g)--. It is (h)—that the new century will face an overwhelming environments (i)--. It is therefore (j)—check the reckless pollution of the environment. 6. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Carr Provide Get Essential Atribute Hence Define Needs Enables Yardstick Adipt Shelter Enhance Protect Aware perform Education is one of the basic (a) -of ubuman 6,6ttg and is (b) - for every kind of development. It (c) -us to make right choices in life. It (d) - our ability to raise crops, store food, (e) -- the environment and (f) - out our social responsibilities. It (g) - us with an enlightened (h) -- about things. But education has to be (i) It is not merely 0) - degrees from schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting, more humane. 7. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box safe cover know develop precaution time recur safe belief possible loss direct compulsory be reduce belief Bangladesh (a) -- in the active earthquake zone. It is (b) - to all Bangladeshis. Experts are alarmed by the (c) - of quakes during recent years. But they give no (d) - answer to the question of (e) - about the buildings of Dhaka city. As there is every (t)=-of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts call for taking adequate (g) - measures to (h) - losses. RAJUK (i) - that an earthquake resistant building code should be (j)-. 8. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box establlishe transmitted simultancously storee base time made personal clecronic communication easily im prove sent actually E -mail means (a) --mail. It is an electronic (b) - of communication. E-mail (c) - is user to user but telex communication is terminal to terminal. Telephone connection often takes a lot of time to be (d) -- because both the caller and the called must be present (e)- `Bwt e-mail is a computer (f) -- system and thernessages that are (g)- via the computer become (h) -- in the mail box of an individuals (i) - computer without the need of his being (j)--- present. Thus, e-mail saves both time and money. 9. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box With Improve Not Mean Maintain Upon Stop Take Easily Than Keep Depend Raise avoid Overeating (a) - taking too much food (b) - one needs. We eat (c) to overload our stomach but to (d) - a sound itmith- A sound health (e) - on eating habit, to some extent. Overeating tells (f) - our health. By (g) - awareness of the people the habit of overeating can be (h) -. With a view to (i) - our body fit, we should taking too much food. 10. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Carr Provide Get Essential Atribute Hence Define Needs Enables Yardstick Adipt Shelter Enhance Protect Aware perform Education is one of the basic (a) ---(b)--- for every kindof development. It (c)—right choices in life. It (d)---our ability to raise crops, store food, (e)—the environment and (f)—out “our social responsibilities. It (g)—us with an enlightened (h)—about things. But education has to be (i)--. It is not merely (j)—degrees from schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting, more humane 11. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Add Breathe need Plant Prevent Preserve Grow Produce Protect Provide Take Give Wash gather Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being –(b) away by rain water and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines, paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)- -them and plant more trees around us. 12. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Happen Furious Die Spoil Live Excution Unpleasant Knowing Wit Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause expire Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the astrologer told him something (c) . At this the king got (d)---- and condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)----away, let him not come here again." 13. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Eager Joyous Become Remain Festive Favourite Food Want Flood Invite Gift elders Children are very fond o 'festivals. They become very (a) - on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys be over (b) -. They become very (c) - to have wishes form their beloved persons. The whole day they (d) - to times in joy. Usually a child on its birthday, gets up early and tries to (e) - close to their parents. It (f) - a nice da is presented anything very (g) - to it. Children also want to have their friends (h) - to their house on a festival . expect to have a party. Their joys give pleasure to their (i) -.- We should try to keep the children always in a (j)---mind. 14. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Drink Eat Available Nutrition Satisfy Happen Lack Need Heart Balanced Knowledge Preserve Mind for While (a)—food we should bear in (b)—that we don’t eat just to (c)—hunger or to fill the belly. We eat to (d)—our health. For good health a man (e)—good food. Sometimes it so (f)—that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health because they have no (g)—of science and health and (h)--. They do not know how to select a (i)—diet from the many foods that are (j)—to them. 15. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box flood rise climate warmer alarm unnecessarily prediction change evidence destroy catastrophically gradual severely increase The world is getting (a) - because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die (b) - as a result Qf pollution. In the recent years there have been (c) - reports that the world's (d) - is undergoing a significant (e) -. All these reports provide strong (f) - that world temperatures are (g) - day by day. Climatologists (h) - that mid way through the next century temperatures may have (i) - as much as 4°C. This could raise sea levels and thereby (j) -coastal areas and farm lands. 16. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Find Prevail Both Available Neat Caterers Appeal Take Submit Looking Be Collection Look book A library serves as the source of knowledge (a)—for the students and the teachers. It is a large (b)—of book. Among these, there are books on courses that are taught in different classes. There (c)—books on extracurricular subjects also. In the library, newspapers and priodicals are also (d)--. The library (e)—to the tastes of different people. Books are arranged in shelves (f) -. There are library assistants who are also helpful for the readers. One head librarian (g) - after the library. So the readers do not have any problem in (h) - out the right book. There is also a reading room where silence (i) -. One can also take books from the library for reading at home by (j) - library cards to the librarian 17. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box joyful eager remain want gift food invite amity elder favourite festive delightful shy Children are very fond of festivals. They become very (a)---on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys become over (b)---- They become very (c)----to have wishes from their beloved persons. Whole day they (d)----to spend times in joys. Usually a child on her birthday gets up early and tries to (e)---close to her presents. It becomes a (fl day, if she is presented anything very (g) to her. Children also want to have their friends (h)----to their house on a festival. They expect to have a party. Their joys give pleasure to their (i)----We should try to keep the children always in a (j) mind. 18. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Go Have Find Lose Die Are Way consider Prefer Enjoy Be Dead Preference Take Bound get We find changes in amusement and entertainment that (a)—taken place over time. Common forms of entertainment like snake charming, puppet shows, jarigan (b)—popular in the past past are gradually (c)—their appeal. They are (d)—out. We don’t (e)—the existence of many of these. Now people like to (f)—T.V. they (g)—concert, disco, pop etc. All the changes that have (h)—place today are not (i)—good. Sometimes people are (j)—to receive some bad aspects of Western culture. 19. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Educate Recreation Religion Original Question Broadcast Sent Aim Facilities Concern Look Consider Though taken Tcievlsion, a source of much knowledge, pleasure, and information and a widely used media of mass communication, is now being (a) - at from a different point of view. Is the TV really doing good, especially to the youngsters of our w+ generation? It is an important (b) - both to ask and to answer indeed. Looked from an (c) - point of view, the TV is to be (d) - one of the most effective means of educating both the students and the public as a whole. Again, it has almost become the most effective and popular means of people's (e) -. Films, dramas, songs, dances, comedy scrim-all these are very attractive packages of programmes. As a means of communications TV is, (f) - not the most atqpcr*artt. yet the most effective and useful means of communication. Up to this point, we must say that the TV is doing good to our youngsters by educating them and by giving them recreational (g) -. But as far as the satellite TV is (h)--- we cannot say this for certainly. The commercial package programmes (i) - by satellite TVs are detrimental to our young generation, pernicious to our societies, threatening to our values and traditions and (j)—beliefs. 20. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box mentally educated genius help development useful assist sympathetic wise improve provides self-reliant called equip Proper education (a) - a learner with opportunities to (b) - all his latent talents. Its aim is to (c) - him physically and (d) - so that he can be (e) - to himself and to the society. An educated man is (f) -- but he also (g) - -others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be wellmannered, kind and (h)- -. So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill only for his material development cannot be (i) - a truly (j)---man. 21. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Husband Consider Dominated Happy Protect Education Issue Beat Law Healthy Save subsevient Women un our society have always been considered (a)—to men. The majority of houses are being (b)—usually by (c)--and women most often have no say in opinion. Their opinion is (d)--unnecessary even in such important (e) -- as the number of children they would like to have. In many households they arc (f) -by the husbands. To (g) -- their rights the Govt has introduced law. But (h) --sometimes can't (i)---them. So, what is more needed for them is the proper (j)-- - . 22. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Add Breathe need Plant Prevent Preserve Grow Produce Protect Provide Take Give Wash gather Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being –(b) away by rain water and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines, paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)- -them and plant more trees around us. 23. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box With Improve Not Mean Maintain Upon Stop Take Easily Than Keep Depend Raise avoid Overeating (a) - taking too much food (b) - one needs. We eat (c) to overload our stomach but to (d) - a sound itmith- A sound health (e) - on eating habit, to some extent. Overeating tells (f) - our health. By (g) - awareness of the people the habit of overeating can be (h) -. With a view to (i) - our body fit, we should taking too much food. 24. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Happen Furious Die Spoil Live Excution Unpleasant Knowing Wit Pleasant Declare Wretch Cause expire Once upon a time, there was a king who was very fond of (a) his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)----to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called on him to know about the future and the astrologer told him something (c) . At this the king got (d)---- and condemned him to (e)----saying, "Men like you should not live to (f)---- the peace of the world". But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g)--- "How long will you live?" asked the king. With ready (h)---the astrologer said. "The stars (i)---- that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the king turned pale like a dead man and shouted, "Drive this (j)--- -away, let him not come here again." 25. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Attitude Amply Predetermined Ordered Ordained Sorrows Out look Belief Undergo Hold Fate poor There are many people in our country who have a conservative (a0--. Quite early inlife they learn to (b)—that everything in this world was (c)--. They think all that happens to them was (d)—by God. From this belief the poor generaly accept their (e)--. They also accept all their (f)—and sufferings without trying much to overcome them. They also(g)—a firm belief that those who (h)— sufferings in this world will be (i)—rewarded in the world. have the same sort of (j)—tpwards illness and diseases. 26. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Add Breathe need Plant Prevent Preserve Grow Produce Protect Provide Take Give Wash gather Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being –(b) away by rain water and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines, paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)- -them and plant more trees around us. 27. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Aware Using Communication Spanteneously Able Develop Acquisitive Mother Naturally Usual Competence language Trees are very useful to humans. They (a)--- the rich top of soil from being –(b) away by rain water and floods. You can see trees being (c) -- along mountain slopes on road sides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) - life to place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) - shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f)- - in carbon dioxide and (g)---oxygen.. As you know, by now man (h) - oxygen to (i) -and live, Trees are our best friends. We should (j)--them and plant more trees around us. 28. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Bought Reading Wanted Failry How Experience Effective Start Important Laughed Experiment several Two friends, Raghib and Adeeb, (a)—to learn how to ride a bicycle. Adeeb (b)—a book called “How to Ride a bicycle” and started (c)—it. On the other hand, Raghib took out his bicycle on the street and (d)--- trying to ride it. He fell off several times and Adeeb (e)—at him. However, by the time Adeeb finished the first chapter of his book, Raghib was riding his bicycle (f)—well. Adeeb knew (g)—the bicycle worked but did not know how to use it from first hand (h)--. Learning a language is like riding a bicycle. The most (i)—thing about any language is communication. You learn to communicate (j)—by using a language, by doing things with it and by experiencing it. 29. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Conduct Become Spare Pursuit Travel Major Leisure Work Spend Physically Make love For the Germens, leaisure has become a major (a)--. Formerly, Germans used to (b)—ten hours a day and six days a week and had very little time for (c)--. But in modern times working hours in Germany have (d)—shorter stretching over five days only. People have therefore more time to (e)— now than in the past. They are so interested in (f)—their free time effectively that there is even a German Leisure Association that (g)—research on leisure activities. The Germans love to (h)—and almost half of all adults in Germany have (i)—a trip outside the country just for pleasure and relaxation. There are also many sports centres where young people go for (j)—excersise. 30. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Originated Grow Bcomes Careful Appearance Miniature Fond Containers Normal High Contribute remain Bonsai is the art of (a)—trees and other plants in small (b)—in such a way that it (c)—the miniature of a real tree. A Bonsai tree may be 10 years old but have a (d)—of one foot only. The art of Bonsai (e)—perhaps more than 1000 years ago in China. Early Japanese aristocrats also showed a (f)—for Bonsai and (g)—greatly to its development. Bonsai is different from (h)—pot planting as it is considered an art form. A Bonsai tree is (i)— shaped to remain small but still has the (j)—of a large tree. 31. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Flow Take Largely Help Cut Bottom Spread Allow Container Cover Beauty tie Bonsai plant does not need (a)—pots but small containers and not much of soil. A Bonsai (b)—has holes in the bottom which are (c0—with small nets so that the soil does not (d)--- out with the water the plant is then (e)—out of its original pot and one-third of its root is (f0—our. It is then ties to the (g)—of the pot with the (h)—to wires. Soil is then (i)—over it to cover the container but about an inch of the root is (j)—to stay above the soil to enhance beauty. 32. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Argue Crowd Empty Kept Plan Seat Moved Make Quarrel Push Get rudely Farid got on the bus to go to college. The bus was (a)—as usual. The bus conductor pushed him aside and (b)---rude remarks for standing in the way. Farid (c)—quie, there was a seat beside him in which he (d)—to sit down as soon as it got (e)—but the moment it was vacant another passanger (f)—him rudely and grabbed the (g)--. Farid was extremely annoyed but smply (h)—way from the seat. “What’s the point of (i)—now?”- he thought. The seat is lost and there’s no point in (j)—about it now. 33. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Laugh Urgue Sit Try Think Go Dance Bring Scene Give Notice Sing Sohel was going on a picnic with his friends. Many of his friends started (a)—and singing in the bus he kept (b)—in his seat smiling and enjoining the (c)--. He just wouldn’t move even when they (d)—him to join them, “I can’t sing so well. You will (e)—if I sing” he said. “we can’t sing either, but it’s fun. Why don’t you just (f)—it a try? Besides, nobody will (g)—if you sing in a group.” They (h)—to convince him. But Sohel just couldn’t (i)— himself to sing. He was too worried about what people would (j)--. 34. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Shout Debating Think Scream Organize Interest Happy Join Find Write Want Fahima’s college wanted to introduce a (a)—club. So, they gave her the responsibility of (b)—the club and finding out people who were (c)—in debating. Fahima (d)—agreed. She went around to every class when the teacher was not there and (e)—“We are having a debating club. Who wants to (f)--? Give me your names now or (g)—over it then let me know in two days. You will (h)—me in the common room.” One of her friends said, “Why don’t you just (i)—it down as a notice and put it up on the notice board? You won’t have to scream like this then.” “Oh I don’t mind (j)--. 35. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Drive Feeling Possess Go Consider Pierce Normally Beats Draw Control In Panambanam in Indonesia, worshipers (a)—themselves to be (b)—by god in this state, they are able to (c)—needle through their cheeks and tongues without (d)—any pain. In the island of Bali, Indonedia, dancers meditate and make themselves (e)—into trance-like state. They can then (f) their bodies with daggers without (g)—out any blood. Fakirs who practise ‘Yoga’ learn to (h)—their beathing to such an extent that their heart (i)—at only two beats a minuet whereas a (j)--- human heart beats 70-80 times per minuete. 36. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Environmental Interrelated Refer Part Live Hang biosphere Related Ecology Elements Link Make us The environment (a)—to the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants (b0--. So human beings, animals, air, water and soil are the main (c)—of the environment. The natural forces such as storms, cyclones and earthquakes are also (d)-- of this environment. Climate is thus a condition of the (e)--. All things that make up the environment are (f)— The way in which people, animals and plants are (g)—to each other and to their surroundings is known as (h)--. The ecosystem is a complex web that (i)—animals, plants and every form in the biosphere. All these things (j0—together. 37. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Products Stand Use Wash Responsible Environment mix Mix Dump Throw Water, another vital elements of the (a)—is also polluted in different ways. Man (b)— water by throwing waste into it. Farmers (c)—chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods (d)—away some of these chemicals, they get (e)—with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also (f)—their poisonous chemicals and waste (g0—into rivers and canals and thus pollute the water. Water vehicles also pollute rivers by (h)—oil, food waste and human waste into them. Insanitary latrines and unsafe drains (i)—on river and canals banks are also (j)—for further pollution. Thus, water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth. 38. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Wildlife Develop Wild Change Spoil Save Protect Maintain Lost Take balance We know that all species are important for (a)—ecological balance. If one is (b)—the whole natural environemnt (c)-. In order to protect the environment from being (d)--. We should therefore (e)—our wildlife. The good news is that many countries are now (f)— action to protect their endangered (g)--. George Haycock, author of several books on wildlife, writes: “Mankind must (h)—a concern for (i)- creatures and a determination that these wild species will not perish.” We should save the earth’s wild creatures to (j)—ourselves. To be kind to animals is to be kind to mankind. 39. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Recurrence Straight Adequate Lies Safe Event Unknown Follow Called Resident Give alarmed How (a)—wil the buildings in the city of Dhaka be in the (b)—of an earthquake? Experts give no (c)—to this question, but call for taking (d)—precautions to minimize loses. That Bangladesh (e)—in the active earthquake zones is not (f)—to Bangladeshis. Alarmed by the (g0—of quakes during recent years, experts have (h)—for the development of an earthquake (i)—building code that all building should (j)--- as mandatory. 40. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box Keep Next House Close Closed Study Get Come Kept Sit Concentrate Compel Riaz is fed up with his (a)--- door neighbours. His bed is very (b)—to theirs. Every time, he (c)—down to study in the evening, there (d)—the “Blaring sound of the television from the (e)—next door. It seems that the TV is (f)—on the whole evening. It becomes very difficult for him to (g)—on his studies. In winter, he can bear it by (h)—his window closed but in summer it (i) too hot and stuffy if the window is kept (j) .

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